Bought a loaded grey V back in March, just passed 5000 miles on it, and very happy with it! I have some tech questions about the car - I'm old school in that I like knowing where everything is on it, why it behaves a certain way, seeing if others have some of the same issues, etc. Locations of stuff - Where is the following at in the car? Most of this is just curiosity, but I would like to replace the cabin air filter when necessary. (I have the ionizer and don't know if that integrates with the filter) Satellite receiver unit (or is it in the head unit?) Safety connect (I'm sure the module is somewhere) Cabin Air Filter Strange stuff happening..... why? The darn "you've lost traction" indicator (It's pretty touchy, and goes off periodically when I have the brakes applied on a dry surface) When I hook up my iPod 3GS to the dock/USB interface, and navigate through the head unit, it'll lock up the head unit and/or iPod quite frequently. Thanks, all!
Welcome to PriusChat! I can't answer all of them but here are the ones that I can - Cabin air filter is located behind the lower glovebox. It's easy to change it out yourself so no need to ask the dealer to do it. This is separate from the ionizer that sends out ions from the driver's side vent - The Slip Indicator? That's odd.. that's more of a Gen 2 Prius behaviour. Were you driving on uneven surfaces when you were braking (or just happen to hit a manhole every time?)
The cabin filter is behind the glove box. You can see it with out taking the glove box out. It is very easy to take it out the glove box. The satellite receive is under the driver seat. You can see it with out taking out the seat. The seat is easy to take out. I do not have a safety connect and do not know were it is.
I think I'm getting there - you guys are great! Thanks for the locations of the cabin filter and satellite radio. That's what the box is under my seat. I thought I saw something under the passenger seat too, but will need to look. Yes, it sounds like it's possibly hill assist that I'm hitting. I'll check the manual; that's one thing the dealer didn't tell me about. Safety Connect is the cell phone for emergencies (the SOS button). So if anyone else figures out where that's at, I'm just morbidly curious. Also, if anyone else has had issues with the USB iPod interface with a 3GS (it also happens with an iPod Nano 4G and 5G).
The box under the passenger seat is the accelerometers for the SRS system, if you ever need to unplug it disconnect the 12V battery and wait a couple of minutes first. If you read your owner's manual you will probably know more about your car than the people at the dealership. Their expertise is getting into your wallet not explaining how your car works.
I know what you mean, my kids were barely able to bang on a keyboard at 6 months, much less bang it in such a way to make actual words (or even sentences!!!!)
The Saftey Connect features is where the SOS button is in the overhead area. There are some indicator lights right above the button: when it's green, it's supposed to be working alright. Yeah, the ipod integration isn't the best. I have a second Gen Ipod Touch (upgraded to 4.1). You can keep the ipod plugged in if you just keep it on (and let it go to sleep). I find it resumes where it was at in the playlist that way. I'll unplug and turn off the ipod if I'm going to leave it off for an extended period of time. I've found I'll need to turn the ipod on and have it fully loaded before pluging it into the USB port before it is read OK by the port.
If you're 3GS is an iPhone, that's not supported by the head unit via the USB plug. Try using the streaming bluetooth mode.
I thought it was under the driver's seat but Judgeless said on the previous page that the satellite receiver was there? Maybe both are in the same box? I don't have the right documentation to look that up, perhaps someone will do that for us.
The 3G and 3GS iPhones are not officially supported, that is true, however they both work over the USB. Just can be fussy sometimes loading play lists. I find the best way is to start a song or podcast, plug the USB cable in, and then switch the AUX to USB. That always will transfer the music to the Car Speakers, and rarely locks up my iPhone 3G (running iOS 4.1). The BlueTooth feature drove me nuts. It would start playing when i didn't want it too and often, if I received a phone call, the Music Audio would not mute, and would cause the phone call to go crazy. Not the best solution for me.