Hey there!

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by Zanrok, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Zanrok

    Zanrok Casual Prius Lover

    Aug 15, 2011
    Reno, NV
    2012 Prius
    Hey everyone,

    Currently I drive a 1998 pontiac grand am v6 beast. It was my first car I got when i was 16 and its still doing good and with me at my age of 26.

    Bottom line...
    I am in the market for a new car.

    I have been doing some pretty hefty research on all sorts of vehicles. From the chevy cruze, to the equinox. All the way to the volkwagen jetta SDI and of course the toyota hybrid prius.

    I love all the cars I drive, some feel better than others and some feel like complete crap... cough.. Nissan Sentra. cough. But all in all it seems no matter what car I get it will be better than the one I have. However, I am looking for another long-term car... Something that I will be happy with say 5-7 years down the road. I love the fact that I can "hyper-mile" hybrids and I find the whole thing to very very exciting. So much in fact that I am 90% sure I want to get a hybrid... for that reason alone! lol

    But heres my situation... I was unemployed for a while, got a new job a few months ago and I have been saving like crazy. Currently my commute is 85% on the freeway with speeds from 45-75mph and the distance is about 80 miles round trip. I car pool with 3 other people to work so it saves a ton of gas, but I still drive 15 minutes to the gym. Some of my friends say a hybrid isn't so good for freeway driving and I would be wasting my money. Aka they think I should go with a TDI diesel Jetta or maybe the elantra.

    Also, some facts about me...I am a pretty tall guy, and I like to be comfortable in a car. Until just recently I didn't think I would even fit in a Toyota. Bluetooth is a must, and I would prefer a USB connection for my phone to access the car. I umpire in the summer, and would require a good amount of trunk space. Moreover, I would like something to throw my bike in the back and go trail riding easily.

    I live in Northern Nevada, so its very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter. The weather on my commute can be very snowy and dangerous at times... so I worry about a prius for that reason. However, I am originally from Chicago and I know how to drive in the snow just fine with my FWD Grand Am.

    Either way I have been researching and test driving for about a month and my top picks at this moment are.


    1. The Toyota Prius (Lots of reasons, but mainly because it is the best MPG hybrid currently on the market and its got the solid reliability of a Toyota.

    2. The Hyundai Sonota Hybrid (spacious interior, drives really nice and I can't tell its a hybrid at all. Except for the trunk space this car seemed solid to me)

    3. Honda Civic Hybrid Although I have not test driven it yet, because there are none within a 150 mile radius of me... I still think based on reviews and how the normal 2012 civic felt, that this would be a solid choice.

    4. Hyundai Elantra? Have not test driven this yet, but based on reviews and estimated MPGs, sounds like a pretty stellar car. I have sat in one and it fits nice.


    Either way I am open for opinions and suggestions as right now I am tearing my hair out trying to decide what to do. At this point my plan is to make the drive to California in a few weeks to test drive the Honda Civic Hybrid and the Ford Fusion Hybrid.

    After that, I want to wait until the 2012's come out for the Prius line and make my decision. And again my budget is around 25k or so.

    Thanks for the opportunity to introduce my self and thanks for all the useful info on the site!


    listened to a few of the Podcasts today... good show, and informative.

  2. Gurple42

    Gurple42 New Member

    Mar 10, 2011
    Santa Monica, Ca.
    2011 Prius
    If it were me I would eliminate the Civic Hybrid because of past battery issues, and eliminate the Hyundai because it is a new first year technology, let somebody else be on the bleeding edge of technology. That leaves the Prius (I think you would want a no options 3) or you might consider the Civic in one of the higher trim levels, both should have very good resale value, which might be important if you would need a bigger car sooner rather than later.
    Best option is to drive your current car till in dies, then you will have more money to put down on your next car, and maybe in a year or two some other new cars might be a better option.:peep:
  3. direstraits71

    direstraits71 Member

    Jul 17, 2008
    Central Coast California
    2008 Prius
    Whatever car you decide to buy, rent one for a week prior to making the commitment if you can. Renting a Prius for a week convinced me back in '08. Its the best car I've owned and I'd buy another one in a minute if anything happened to mine.
  4. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    You can hypermile anything, including the car you already have. If it is the sport that you like, then your choice would be driven by how you score it -- hybrids will give the best actual MPG, while nonhybrids will give the best percent improvement over EPA.
    Please yourself, not them. While Prius isn't the sporty driver's "Left Lane" car that is the TDI, it is perfectly at home on the freeway.
    Prius' hatchback is perfect for this, though a TDI wagon should also fit.
    Until ground clearance becomes an issue, I feel that driver and tires are more important than the vehicle. If your existing FWD is just fine, the Prius will be too, except for the OEM tires.

    There are strong opinions here about Prius's traction control. Past versions were bad, then merely poor. The 2010 TCS is greatly improved. Many of us swear by it, but a vocal group of dissenters swear at it. Within the metro area, I prefer it to my older non-TCS, non-VSC, old-ABS Subaru. You will have to make up your own mind on this.
    Why is Fusion Hybrid not on your list above? If a non-hatchback/non-wagon works for you, and Fusion is within your price range, it should be an excellent choice.
  5. Feri

    Feri Active Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    Maldon Victoria Australia
    2010 Prius
    The CVT in the prius means that it will out pull any car in cruise control, on most hills, unless those higher powered cars really put there foot down. I "dragged" a TDI on a long hill travelling to Melbourne on the Calder freeway. Yes, if he had bothered to change down and floor it he would have caught me.

    Deisel is dirty no matter what the manufacrurers claim. Setting aside the problem of nano particle soot which can't be "filtered " out I have regularly driven behind late model European deisels and watched black fumes being ejected from the exhaust.
  6. Zanrok

    Zanrok Casual Prius Lover

    Aug 15, 2011
    Reno, NV
    2012 Prius
    Thanks for the replies guys.

    I could not agree more! I will look into renting a prius here soon and trying it out for a week to see if its really the car for me.

    I like the suggestion of driving my current car into the ground.. but I am just sooo tired of it at this point.. lol

    And yes the only reason the Fusion isn't on the above list is because of the price, 29k for the base is pretty hefty and that kind of scared me away from it. I still however, would like to see how it drives as comparison.

    How much do snow tires usually run for the prius? Is that something the dealer will switch out as part of the maintenance plan?

    Any other cars I should look into besides the ones I mentioned?

    Thanks again!
  7. spiderman

    spiderman wretched

    Jul 5, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Welcome aboard Zanrok. Nothing special about the snow tires for the prius, just get the same size as the OEM. I run studded snows up here but you probably could get away with those non-studded types down there. I highly recommend them (snow tires) anywhere there is snow possible... the car is light and the traction control is pretty aggressive.
  8. Zanrok

    Zanrok Casual Prius Lover

    Aug 15, 2011
    Reno, NV
    2012 Prius
    Hey Spider,


    I would love to see some pictures of the roads you drive when its snowing up there! Reno does get some good snows here especially through the valleys and up the pass. Granted, I would not go up the pass.. but I have to go through a "wind-tunnel" for work on a daily basis.
  9. spiderman

    spiderman wretched

    Jul 5, 2009
    2010 Prius
    The main roads are pretty well maintained. I leave pretty early in the morning and there have been a few times where I am plowing through fresh powder (up the the doors). The prius does great in that stuff.
    You can see where I was bottoming out. Studded General tires on steel wheels. I was in an unploughed, gravel parking lot at a camp ground.

    Just a shot outside the door in March two years ago...
    Mostly the roads tend to be ice coated most of the winter and during dry spell, pavement will show through.
  10. Zanrok

    Zanrok Casual Prius Lover

    Aug 15, 2011
    Reno, NV
    2012 Prius
    Right on Spider, I leave very early in the morning too. I am on the road by 5:30 am everyday. And the snow is usually untouched the whole way to work.

    Those snow piles remind me of the blizzards we would get back in Chicago... =)

    So any modifications to your driving habits come winter time? aka do you drive in power mode all the time?
  11. edjnsd63

    edjnsd63 New Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    San Diego
    2011 Prius
    Being able to "fit" in a car was an issue with me, I am 6', but I think I have shorter legs and longer upper body for someone my height. While I was looking I "test sat" both the Chevy Cruze (which I really liked the look of) and the Equinox, and I had a hard time getting in and out of both! I was surprised to find out it was much easier for me to get in and out of the Prius! Even the back seat is fairly roomy for shorter folks (5'6") or so, like my daughter... and can't beat the Gas Mileage. I do a lot of freeway driving at higher speeds, so I "only" get in the mid 40's for mpg, but that is still about 3 times the gas mileage I was accustomed to in my old SUV!
  12. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    Why do those friends make that claim? Do they own hybrids? See Most fuel-efficient cars and Best & worst cars review, fuel-efficient vehicles.

    For VW diesels, then you'll get to experience not-so-good VW reliability. Diesel is also more expensive than regular unleaded most of the year. See Daily Fuel Gauge Report--national, state and local average prices for gasoline, diesel and E-85. for current averages.

    As for snowy and dangerous weather, with proper snow tires during those conditions, I don't see how there's anything more to worry about than w/the other FWD cars you named.

    The Prius should be great for you from the trunk space POV.
  13. Zanrok

    Zanrok Casual Prius Lover

    Aug 15, 2011
    Reno, NV
    2012 Prius

    Really? I found the Equinox the most comfortable car for me to date. The price tag and the MPG scared me off though.

    I agree on the cruze though, it felt great to sit in and looked nice, but was a pain in the nice person to get out of.

    The prius feels fine for me now, at first the dealer could not adjust the seat properly for me and my knees were hitting the steering wheel. lol

    I am 6'2 btw.

    And you mentioned you only get 40mpgs? That does seem low to me for a Prius... Are you driving in Eco mode? cold weather? lots of passengers?


    Ya i hear ya, everything I have read says hybrids are the way to go for fuel economy. I think to them hybrids are not "real cars" are not fun to drive. I think they are a blast though. And getting a diesel seems weird to me.

    And thanks for the links ill browse them up later.

    A quick question to anyone, as I mentioned I car pool everyday and with 3 other passengers in the car and laptops in the back will that greatly affect the MPGs?

    Thanks for the replies.

  14. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    Regarding the Cruze, you can browse thru Fuel Economy - Chevy Cruze Forum : Chevrolet Cruze Forums for some reports and a very frustrating experience for trying to get information of people complaining about their mileage. Many complainers most of the time don't provide info necessary (or reply) to figure out whether the mileage they're getting is normal for their commute and car and what to followup on.

    I've had no luck in trying to get someone there to spearhead and own creating a questionnaire that fuel economy complainers are required to answer? - Chevy Cruze Forum : Chevrolet Cruze Forums. http://www.cruzetalk.com/forum/27-fuel-economy/2667-mpg-lower-than-expected.html#post32691 reflects my frustrations there.

    Unfortunately, CR didn't test a Cruze Eco nor any manual ones. Here's what they got:
    2011 LS 1.8L 6AT: 26 mpg overall, 17 city/36 highway, 34 on 150 mile trip
    2011 1LT 1.4L turbo 6AT: 26 mpg overall, 17 city/36 highway, 35 on 150 mile trip

    Here's what they stated for the Cruze:
    Highs: Ride, quietness, agility, solid feel, crash-test results, front-seat space
    Lows: So-so fuel economy, rear-seat space, no power mirrors

    Due to the so-so fuel economy, it didn't even make the lists I posted earlier.

    Don't quote me on this, but IIRC, it seems if you want great (highway) mileage on a Cruze, you'll need to have the Eco 6MT version. If you get an automatic, non-eco, don't set your expectations too high. One of the users of there stated something to this effect. I can't find the post now.

    (BTW, it irks me Cruzetalkers use the convention "A6" and "M6" when referring to transmissions. A6 to me means an Audi A6. M6 is a BMW M6 to me. Some other boards use abbreviations like 6AT and 6MT, which I prefer.)

    As others already stated, you can hypermile any car. Also, given the low gas mileage of your car, even a 1-2 mpg improvement might result in significant fuel savings. See http://priuschat.com/forums/other-c...eage-no-its-your-gallonage-really-counts.html. There are some techniques you can use at http://www.cleanmpg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1510 that are safe, legal and not extreme (e.g. face out parking and shutting off your engine as you coast into a spot vs. driving into a spot, braking, putting car into park, then shutting it off). I don't like backing into spots but when I had my Z, I'd prefer to do the above and pulling forward into a spot so that I would face outwards when leaving.
  15. edjnsd63

    edjnsd63 New Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    San Diego
    2011 Prius
    Actually, I get about 43 mpg, but I am in San Diego, so I drive about 80 on the freeway, lots of rolling hills, and I run the A/C a lot! all of which I hear are not good things for Optimal MPG's. As for the getting in and out issues, I have a Titanium plate in my neck, so I'm not as "flexible" as most folks. I like the Prius, because it does not require a lot of neck bending to get in and out of...
  16. spiderman

    spiderman wretched

    Jul 5, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Other than adding a little extra time to get to where I am going, no changes. I run ECO mode all the time. In the winter that helps to keep the engine from coming on to heat the cabin as often. I don't mind a cool cabin. Also ECO helps to regulate the accelerator pedal so you not spinning out.
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