Hi all, I am in the process of test driving a 2008 Prius that has 82000 miles on it. The car drove great. I am hooked. I did notice something that I was unsure about. I may sound kooky but let me explain. On was going around 50 - 60 mph and i sensed what felt like a few microseconds of hesitation. The car itself did not hesitate (kooky) no jolt or jerking, but I would swear I felt/noticed something. Is this the hybrid switching or an issue to be wary of? I basically wanted to see if it is something normal that I just havent experienced yet since I have alway driven a traditional auto. Thanks, and this is an awesome forum. I cant stop reading. It must be an awesome resource for owners. rob
i've never noticed anything, but it's possible i suppose. you should drive another and see if you can feel the same thing.
Maybe you went over a bump? Traction control might have been deployed. That can be a weird feeling, but you should have seen a dash indicator blinking if that was the case. It's happened to me a couple of times and is nothing to worry about, just the car making sure that the drive wheels have traction. Other than that, I've got nothing.