We spent last weekend in Vail (amazing snow this year in Colorado, by the way). I had the rear hatch open with the Prius in the garage. My friend came out to the garage and proceeded to open the garage door. Most of the door came up fine but near the end, it seemed to catch the rear spoiler and I heard a loud snap as the garage door then moved past it. It definitely seemed to catch. Now I can't remember what the rear spoiler position looked like originally but it seems lifted up out of proper alignment. I've attached a photo: what do you think? At maximum, it is 1 cm out of aligment (but is this the way it originally looked?). If it is misaligned, does anyone know how the rear spoiler is attached? Adhesive? Tabs? Who should I get to help fix it if it is problematic? I tried to attach a photo but I kept getting errors (is there a trick to this?).
pull off the inner cover (plastic panel) disconnect the wire harness for the brake light, take out the bolts on each end of the spoiler, hammer and dolly the mounting area where the spoiler bolts on, use common sense here as the hatch is aluminum, when level with the hatch again bolt the spoiler back on and connect the brake light wires, re-install the inner panel and your done. An hour at the most. This has been often reported here on PC first starting in early 2004. So far I haven't had to do it.