i have my window rolled down now. And the other side only roll down and up only in the same door the master control aint work here in the resr doors
So driver’s side window doesn’t work at all and other windows move up and down from their own switches but not from master switch? Check 20A FR DOOR fuse. If it’s OK then it’s either wiring or the switch. Spoiler: Diagnostic If fuse was OK to be really sure you can check power from behind the switch. You should have power at blue wire pin6, white pin7, and violet pin11. Other white and other blue don’t have power (unless you use the master switch). Or you can just replace the switch if fuse was ok. And if that didn’t fix the problem then do the wiring tests. If fuse was blown and replacement fuse did blow again problem is in the switch or in wiring. Try unplugging the switch and see if fuse still blows. If it does then check the wiring (most likely the problem is where wires enter the drivers door).