Does anyone have an idea what this is and where it goes? I Found behind driver front fender. I'm replacing my fender after bumping into a protective barrier. I don't know where it goes.
In the Electrical Wiring Diagram (more info), the Position of Parts in Engine Compartment pages (in the Electrical Wiring Routing section) show several connectors in the left front corner of the car, including W6, the Wireless Door Lock Buzzer. In the System Circuit section, the Smart Key System and Wireless Door Lock Control pages show that W6 has two wires, one red and one black with a white stripe, matching those shown in your photo. As confirmation, note that parts catalog Figure 84-20, Wireless Door Lock, shows the correct general location. It also gives the part number, 89747-48020, for which Google Image Search returns many photos of objects with the same general shape seen in your photo. Unfortunately, the Repair Manual doesn’t show the specific installation location for the buzzer. Unless someone else can share a firsthand experience, you may have to look closely at the other parts you removed to determine where it was mounted. Your buzzer seems to be missing the cover seen in many of the other photos; perhaps the cover is still attached to one of the removed parts.
THANK YOU!!!! You nailed it. It definitive appears to have been damaged in the mishap. Not sure if the mounting location will impact the car's driving ability.
+++UPDATE+++ No impact on performance of driving without a working sensor. I have driven without it for nearly a year and have opted to purchase a replacement.