Hey everyone, quick question. I installed some aftermarket HID's in my 07 Prius this past week and I have concluded that I need to install a relay wiring harness to ensure the ballasts fire up right every time. Anyway the relay harness kit needs to connect directly to the positive and negitive terminals on the battery. Is it ok to connect these to the "jumper" posts under the hood? I'm hoping I don't have to run the wires all the way to the battery itself. Any help would be awesome, thanks.
I've one-touch window mods connected to that under-hood 12 volt "jumper" post you are talking about. fused at 30 amps a few inches from the actual connection. 12 gauge power wire running thru a firewall rubber grommet to the 2 DEI window mods over in passenger kick panel. So far so good. 2 years and many window operations. I'd say you're good up to 100 amps (fusable link of the 12 volt system). where that's located, I don't know.
Awesome thanks. Yeah this will be about a 30-35v relay so all is good I guess. I just didn't know if there were any issues with using the posts under the hood. Thanks for the help.