I went through the car wash the other day .you have to put your car in neutral ,as I have done several times with no issues, anyway of course it was hot so I had my ac going ...about half way through .I hear a beep look at my dash and the triangle came on and then a picture of a battery on my screen in red and anyway so I hit the info then trip to see my battery level and there was like nothing in my battery! Got through the wash I immediately turned off ac and was kinda scared to turn it off and in my almost panic ..I remembered it charges as I drive...so I drove slowly and it did come back up then it got back up there ..and my fan in the back came on for a while ...it's a brand new battery $1700 I just got it a few months ago from green bean with a life time warranty.. anyway so now I'm hearing this liquid sound like going through somewhere in my dash ac on or not ...also it's like idling really high at times and now the "maintenance required" light is flashing four times I think it is ... Also my ac is making a weird noise as well ...
it all sounds unrelated. don't use car washes that require neutral in a prius, it's a bad job. you may have damaged the battery, but with a lifetime warranty, no worries. call green bean, they'll run the troublecodes and replace it if necessary. the sloshing sound in the dash should be coolant, idk, unless water got in somewhere from the carwash. the high idling is because of the battery damage. the a/c sound, i'm not sure, maybe to do with the sloshing
Simple question... how old is your 12-volt battery? A well aged 12-volt will struggle when the car is put in neutral for too long.
In a Pruis, the AC is powered by the hybrid vehicle (HV) battery. When a Prius is put into neutral, the engine does not recharge the HV battery or the 12v battery. So what happened is that the AC depleted the charge in the HV battery as you went through the car wash. When the car was put back into drive, the HV battery was then recharged by the engine. The Green Bean battery may have been a "new" to you battery, but it is NOT a "new" battery. It is a reconditioned battery made with used battery modules. These reconditioned HV batteries could last from a few months to a few years at most. I predict that you will be utilizing the lifetime warranty in the foreseeable future. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Best to reread the "lifetime warranty" so as to understand what is required to 'file a claim', as you will need the appropriate obd2 codes, unless things have changed. If you can't afford the stealership, or a quilified mechanic (some may scan for free), do you have a hybrid compatible obd2 scanner (good thing to have going forward), or know someone who does? (try a free obd2 scan at the auto parts store) If a free scan at the auto parts store turns up little or nothing (DTCs like P3000, P0A80, various P3011 thru P3024), then try this thread for a device or option that may help : Gen2 OBD2 app review | PriusChat
When a Gen2 Prius is in neutral, the engine CANNOT charge the HV battery. So "sitting" in READY mode in neutral with the A/C going will discharge the HV battery. So it's just a question of how much charge is present in the HV battery before going into the carwash, and how much power the A/C uses on a given day. If you "must" use a carwash, you should "force charge" the battery, and preferably leave the A/C off.