i am using vista. can some post step-by-step instructions on how to burn a disc that has the MP3 files so i can play them on my Prius. I know how to make a mix cd with songs. but i wanna load like 500mb of media to a cd and have it play on Prius..help me please.
If you use iTunes on a Mac, create a playlist from your library. Then select the playlist as your "source" and choose "burn CD" from the menu. Easy as pie! If you don't use iTunes, I'm sure someone can help you with the appropriate steps.
Windows media player has a good help it will walk you though it. in vista media player you drag and drop the songs over to the right side and click "burn"
Yeah, just insert a writeable CD and select "Burn an Audio CD using Windows Media Player" when the pop-up comes up (if it doesn't pop-up, open Windows Media Center from the Start Menu and click "Burn" on the top menu). Then underneath where it says "Burn" you click the arrow and select "Data CD or DVD". Then click that arrow again and select "More Options". Under where it says Data Discs, make sure "Use media information to arrange files in folder on the disc" is checked (this will keep allow you to browse the MP3 folders by Artist>Album>Song on your Prius MFD instead of being one flat disc with songs), then click "OK". Now drag which songs you want from your library to the right hand side under where it says Burn List. Note: At the top, you can see how much room is left on your CD as you are adding songs. When you are done adding songs, click "Start Burn" at the bottom and wait for it to burn. That's it Note: there are some advantages to just having a flat disc and not selecting the "Use media information to arrange files in folder on the disc" option. It will work easier without choosaing that option if all you want to do is play Random songs all the time as the Prius Stereo is a bit quirky when it comes to using random and folders from what I have seen.