I was installing a DVD nav system, speakers, and amp. I get the following errors: 1: "Please CHeck the AC Connection" 2: No energy moniter information, wheels turn but no battery 3: Radio buttons don't work 4: MFD very slow to get started. We tapped into the wires behind the modex plug on the unit with T-Connectors. They have been removed but the status remains the same. We also installed a speed lock, which seems to be working fine. The only wires cut where the ones that appear to lead to the speakers. Yellow, Black, White and Red. Any help is much appreaciated. PS: No car erros beyond that. THANK GOD!
In the TSB refering to the multi-function display, it said that these symptoms can occur when one of the connectors to the MFD is loose. (That's in addition to a defective MFD) There are diagrams in that TSB showing the connector. Unfortunately, I can't find that particular link right now, but I'm positive it was on this site. Try searching for MFD & TSB) Hope this helps. Thanks, Shawn
Tucson Prius is right...check your connection to the MFD and make sure you didn't knock it loose. If it seems tight it might just be coincidental that you were doing the mods and you just need the TSB performed. http://priuschat.com/forums/tsb-on-multifu...ghlight=mfd+tsb
Speakers would be on the radio, not the MFD. Yellow, black, white and red are rear speakers coming from the amp (for JBL) or radio. On MFD, yellow is B+, there are 3 different black wires, one being TX1+ (part of AVC network), red is parking brake, and white is TX2-. If you did cut these color wires from MFD, rather than radio/amp, you did mess it up, but should be repairable.
Dan, The Yellow, Black, White, and Red were the ones that we cut to run to the amp. We left the front speaker wires in tact to allow the tweaters to work. I tapped into the Yellow B+, one Black (Ignition), the Parking Break, the speed sensor, and one for illimination. I can't remember which one. I used the T-taps on all of those so no wires were actually cut on the MFD. My thinking is, too much force was applied to get the t-tap installed and thus I pulled one of the pins loose. I am going to take a look at that this friday.
According to the TSB the following wires should be checked: On M14: 11,12,13,14 On M13: 4,5,18.19 I t-tapped into wires: 25,16, 12, 11, and 1 all of them on M13. What is the likelihood of Toyota telling me "It is your fault here's a bill for the repair & to replace the MFD"?
If the wire tampers from the taps aren't too noticable, you won't have a problem. What production month is your Prius? Does (or did) your info button on the steering wheel toggle between energy and consumption screens? If it did, or your production month was after August, then you probably don't have the problematic MFD, but it still will be covered under warranty if they don't notice your attempt at mods. John had a problem with the MFD and found a stuck button on the bezel.
I got it in late August. So i am guessing it was produced in June or July. I am just making sure that they won't give me the run-a-round. I am still thinking that one of the wires isn't seated properly and that is pretty easy to fix as long as the MFD pins are not broken.
that would assume a lot time of 1-2 months... i dont think so. if you got it in late August, i be willing to bet it made in mid August