This morning when I started my 2010 (30k miles, still a baby) it started making an AWFUL sound that I guess I can only compare to a helicopter (THUDTHUDTHUDTHUD). It was practically shaking the car. I panicked, shut it off, and tried again a minute later, at which point it was fine. I googled this and checked other threads, but the car was never in motion and the rear battery vent is completely clear. It drove in fine to work. It has been BRUTALLY cold for 2 weeks (up to -30 with wind chill) but last night was only -5 and it was a balmy 3 degrees this morning. Any thoughts as to what it was? If it doesn't happen again I won't bother taking it in, but I just want to understand what it was. Thank you in advance. I really appreciate this community.
normal. some unburnt fuel and condensation. this is a very common problem, and there are many threads here. there is a tsb for a redesigned intake manifold which you may want to explore with the dealer. it works for some, and doesn't for others. the best thing you can do for the car is never to power down while the engine is running. in the end, it sounds horrible, but no damage is being done.
How can we be certain no damage is being done? As it happens, I've never shut mine down while the engine was running---and never experienced that issue, so far.
I think backfire ignition is a very common problem with many engines, but we don't always hear it. I think it's possible to damage the exhaust, but this usually occurs only when it's already weakened by corrosion or other factors.
Thank you, that perfectly explains it as the last time I drove it was for 6 seconds to back it into the driveway turn around. Sorry I missed those threads- I suppose I shouldn't have been so specific about the type of sound.