Hi all, Wondering if any of you have any suggestions about the heavy wear on the inside of both rear tires on my 2008 Prius (Base, Package 2). Around 85,000 miles on the car. 25,000 miles on the Bridgestone Ecopia EP422 tires. Any ideas how to correct this or get it repaired? What services should I get to a confirmed diagnosis of the cause? Thanks, Tim (not currently in Hollywood)
Get your car to wheel alignment. Your rear tires probably have too much toe out and/or negative camper. Toyota only recommends replacing rear axle to correct it but shops can probably correct it by using shims.
Alignment of the rear suspension (get a 4wd alignment). Inspection of the wheels for "trueness". Tire rotation every 5k miles.
Thanks for the quick responses! A couple follow-up questions: 1. Is it correct that a Toyota dealership will not add shims to correct for this? If they won't, I will look elsewhere. 2. I'll need to replace the two rear tires. Should I get that done before or after the alignment? The Costco tire department told me that I should first get the two new tires, then get the alignment. Not knowing exactly how alignments are done, I don't know if the installed tires are a factor. 3. All four tires were have 25,000 miles on them. Two are going to be replaced. Should the two new tires go on the front or the back? Thanks again!
Yes you should put the new tyres on before having the alignment, then have the alignment done straight away. John (Britprius)
Regarding: 1) Yup. I haven't called every single dealership in US, but the few, near me, I have inquired with, all said NO. Replace rear beam. 2) Get new rear tires, then drive straight over to tire/alignment shop. The more miles you put on the new tires, the more undesired uneven wear you'll put on these tires. Alignment will be based off these uneven worn tires plus the corrected toe, via the shims (assuming shimming is still possible). Thus the importance to put very few miles on the new tires before alignment with shim correction. The tire/alignment shop may give you same deal as Costco (tire, road hazard warranty, per tire install fee, tire disposal fee, TPMS rebuild your choice (I've never done mine and on 3rd set of tires, no problem)). Just know what Costco fee break down is, and duration of road hazard warranty for fair comparison. Costco is always running some kind of $70 off four tires (Bridgestone or Michelin). 3) Costco and most tire shops will always put the new tires on rear due to liability. I'm sure the alignment place will be happy to rotate the new tires to the front, assuming enough tread depth left. Educate yourself and read this link; info about why new tires go on rear. You need to start calling tire/alignment shops to see if they do they shims for the Prius, so you know what the damage (co$t) will be. I remember Firestone Tires does, and it was $250 (part w/ labor), if I recall correctly. READ this link, as it has info on rear shims someone did and shared his experience here on Prius Chat. If you plan to keep your Prius till it falls apart, consider getting a lifetime (as long as I own the car) wheel alignment. I bought this for the Prius and it saved me money. $110 in 2010 at Firestone Tire. I just drop the car off once a year, walk back home, then walk back and pickup the car, getting a before and after alignment printout. New tires or any suspension component repair will bring the car in early, but it's all zero dollars for me (cost of alignment that is). Still need to get the rear shim done, but it is still within Toyota specs and fortunately I don't have your horrible toe issue causing such massive early rear tire wear.
What would cause a bent axle? That seems like it would be a very noticeable occurrence to have happened. It's never been any any collision or major off-roading.
if its never hit a curb or something, it would be unlikely to be bent. hopefully it just needs a shim or 2