While traveling on the Texas coast a few days ago I entered a heavy rail squall. My visibility was reduced so I slowed to 35 mph. and engaged my DRCC. My thought was what a great time to use radar just in case the cars in front of me stopped before I could see them. Well the next thing that happened was that my DRCC disengaged and a message appeared telling me to "Clean my radar reflector". In a few minutes the rain slowed down and the DRCC started working again. Did the rain reflect too much of the radio waves back to my reflector?
i think so, there are other threads here regarding this complaint. not sure if there's any solution though.
Possibly. The radar beam can get attenuated in heavy rain. (Same effect with weather radar such that a heavy area of rain [e.g. thunderstorm] can hide another area of rain [or at least minimize it's intensity] due to attenuation)
Even with DRCC, cruise in heavy rain is not recommended. The car is still susceptible to hydroplaning and wheel slip, which the radar can't see. If you have the radar, PCS is always operating (but limited by the same rain-induced problems) so engaging DRCC isn't strictly required in order to have a little additional safety.
I've had that a few times in heavy downpours, worse as you speed up. I've put DRCC on when the traffic has slowed to maybe 20-30km/hr and it's worked fine, but as it clears a bit and traffic speeds up, with the mist and spray off the road plus the rain, at maybe 70km/hr, DRCC drops out. It needs to be able to "see". The manual says it won't work:
Yes. Yours is the second thread about this in the past couple of weeks. There likely will be another shortly. Things like this seem to come in threes.
cruise control in wet conditions...okay I know tech is getting to make it "convenient" for people (and them lazier)...but it's just a big no no for using cruise control in rain (even if it's supposedly the great new smart cruise control) all these new "safety" tech, really are just making it way easier for people to be more susceptible to Darwin's law
If you're driving a car, I hope you know how to drive in the rain better than your car can. It's just not safe to drive in the rain with DRCC. It works for me in the few times it rains in SoCal, but I realize I shouldn't do it.
Yes - Don't use cruise control in the rain. Also, if there are no cars in front of you, DRCC is not able to read the reduced speed limit signs when approaching curves, etc. Until fully autonomous cars are perfected (not that I would use one), the driver must always be alert to their surroundings. What you see in the advertising/brochures may not always reflect reality...