The clip around the headrest... does anyone know how to remove it? if you're taking out the headrest.. you'll see the plastic cover at the bottom of the headrest attached to the seat... does anyone know how to take this thing off?
Roy, Like I said in a previous post, the seat covers will stretch around this post and rebound so it is unnoticable. In our first post, a diagram of how to take the seat apart was submitted, but this is "alot" of work and unnecessary. Don't worry about stretching the seat cover around the head rest post. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Jim
so sad.. i didn't get the post til now anyhow my gf figured it out for me... she was like "i figured it out" thanks though.... anyhow i didn't get a chance to do the center console and the two rear exterior seats panels... the wierd ones.. i'm sure you know bout.. i'll have pictures up by tomorrow.