This is not a thread about the merits of whether or not to install a CAT shield. I'm asking whether anyone who already has one installed has experienced a theft nevertheless. I'm wondering whether a CAT thief decides "too much trouble, I'll move on to lower hanging fruit" when they see a CAT shield. If so, perhaps the CAT shield doesn't have to be particularly good; perhaps a visual deterrent when the thief looks under the car is all it takes.
Or some sticky barbs welded to the pipe so when he reaches his hand under there to check they don't usually look first they reach under the car I do believe just to see well did connections etc then they know something they think they know when they reach under there to do that if they all of a sudden get their hand impaled on a bunch of punji like sticks. They might move on real fast and realize what's up
While I haven't, some others with shields have still had their cats stolen, both here and in other forums. The shield does work as a deterrent, but isn't a guarantee. When there isn't enough low hanging fruit available, the thieves do start reaching higher up into the tree.