Happy New years everybody. I ordered a crap load of flexible solar panels cover my gen 3 with. I want to run the AC off solar so I don't have to start the engine while stealth camping. I don't know if I need to connect directly to the AC or can I just charge the traction battery while the car isn't ready and the AC is running to keep through engine from rarely ever starting? So much for all the help you guys have given me and Lady the Pitbull so far. We're still traveling the universe and keeping our Prius in tip top shape due to your awesome assistance!!!
you could do it either way, but the battery would be a good buffer between the panels erratic output and the compressors constant demand
The compressor's demand is variable—it can be as low as around 250 watts, or up closer to 2500 watts, depending on how much cooling is needed. I haven't recently been looking at sizes of panels for different amounts of power, but I have a feeling that the panel size needed to cover 2500 watts (plus the smaller but still significant draw of the blower and rest of the HVAC system) would require a pretty loose definition of 'stealth' for stealth camping. Especially to harvest enough energy while the sun shines to sustain such a load while it doesn't.
A "crap load" of solar panels covering the car says "look at me" 24/7, much more than the engine starting for a minute every hour. And I don't understand at all how this would help at night. I'm definitely into stealth camping, but the idea is the blend in and not draw a second look.
You're not gonna run the AC with a car covered in solar panels. Maaaaybe with the car covered in panels plus the next parking space over covered in panels.... Maybe. Even then, you'd be stuck cycling between charging the battery and then turning on the car to use the AC, and the cycles would be very short. Cool idea and all, but energy-wise you're not even in the ballpark of what you'll need. Maybe explore further up north?