Not a very happy day for the stock market. Check out BSC (ticker). People are saying that this is the first day of the recession.
What? No link to the official Pi Day website? For shame! Pi Day » The official web site for Pi Day, March 14th Happy Pi Day all! Celebrate your inner pi-ness!
OMG I didn't even get what you were talking about. This could be the geekest thread I have ever read. :first: :nerd:
What is Pi day? Surely that is the twenty-second of July or 22/07 ? Yes Australians write the date different to you. Today is 15/03/2008.
It is now the Ides of March, patsparks. Since you're not JC, no worries. But the only sensible way of writing a date is 2008:03:15 so the day is in the least significant position. But yesterday at 3 p.m. (15:00) was kind of magical.
For our "uneducated Aussie" friend and anyone else stumbling across this thread in bewilderment, Pi day is March the 14th. Written: 3/14 in standard US nomenclature. Pi is 3.14 For a true geeky experience, just wait until March 14th, 2015.
Yay, Bill! Year, month, day is the only way. Every other date format scrambles the place values. A chronometer is like an odometer - the digits have a proper order. Think 'ones, tens, hundreds...' and wonder why we would ever argue about which order they should be in. Oh, if only sense were more common.
Anytime I date stamp a file or folder, I always use the YYYY-MM-DD format because they will always auto-sort chronologically. And then, of course, there are those who believe that it's just as good to spell the month which always puts December before January, June and July.
I agree with Bill, If we're going to be math geeks, we should write the date in mathematical order. Both the US date format (MM/DD/YYYY) and the Australian/Britsh date format (DD/MM/YYYY) are irrational. So the one true PI day isn't for more than thousand years, on May 9th 3141 3141.5.9
You might be right except the traditional separator is a / not a . Isn't 22/7 a more accurate depiction of Pi than 3.14? Sorry if the lack of proper book learnin is showing through. BTW, is it a holiday? if not who care about rationality?
You're right of course, Pat. The most commonly used separator I've seen here in the States is the / and not the .. Though I happen to work for a Swiss-German company and often see the . as the separator, but then their dates are displayed differently. So I just can't win. Oh and no offense intended, I was just quoting your avatar. If I were allowed to mess around with separators, I would vote for March 14th, 2015 at 9:26am so I could write
I like the / best too, but if you try to use it for a Microsoft File Name, Billy Gates gets frustrated with you and is not shy about letting you know