My wife and I went to the mall this morning and had the fortune of parking right next to a black Prius. Prior to this moment, she had only ever seen mine up close. As we were walking away, we turned around and looked and the two Prii parked right next to each other. She snapped her fingers. "That's it!", she declared. "I knew it was something but I couldn't put my finger on it. They look like hamsters." I decided to scour the internet to find a picture of a hamster that I could do a side-by-side comparison. Sorry that the pictures really are very small resulting in pixelation, but what do you think?
We have a winner!!! SK! YOU, my friend, WIN for the BEST Prius Vanity License plate, BY FAR!!! Congratulations! I mean... that's why ** I ** bought one. No kidding.