On the front of the 05 Prius brochure is a hand that is holding a half full glass of water. Does anyone know what this signifies?? I thought I heard once that this is the amount of H2O water expelled out the exhaust pipe on a cross country trip in a Prius. Trying to find the meaning. of point to in a direction to look. Thanks
I think it's related to conservation. A glass of water in the desert. Water is in short supply there and needs to be conserved. Like gasoline for automobiles.
A glass that is one-half full of water is completely full: one-half with water and one-half with air. I interpret the Toyota advertisement to imply long-term quality and sustainability.
To me it signifies that the hand model was thirsty. By the looks of the hand, it is either a chick with man hands or a metro-sexual dude who just had a manicure and every last hair waxed off his hand. Either way, Eew! I’m sure heshe got tired of holding up a full glass of water out there in that blazing hot sun on that pure white, um, whatever groundcover, and decided to take a long cool sip from an overfull, temptingly clear glass of Prius water. I think the advertisers should have added some ice cubes with subliminal messages like . . . Hybrid . . . 60 MGP . . . Technology . . . .Sex. :wink: Otherwise, I look at that hand and think to myself that there is no way I would be drinking from that glass. Who knows where that hand has been. ukeright:
Our 04 brochure had blue skies with cumulus clouds, the 05 has a glass pyramid structure. I wonder who comes up with these pictures
It's not water --- it's Vodka!!! You need it when the dealer tells you how long you're going to have to wait for your car!
The glass is twice as big as it needs to be; an allusion to the average American car, which is bigger than it needs to be. 8 ounces of water would be produced by a 45 MPG Prius travelling roughly 1/3 mile.
Yeah, who says the glass is half FULL anyway. I just read the article about GM destroying all the EV1's and I'm starting to feel a little half-empty myself.