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Had my SSC-40A work done

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by efusco, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I was the first at my local dealership to have the SSC-40A recall work done (mistake #1!). The work is estimated to take 1.5 hours on the paperwork they send out and Toyota reimburses for 1.3 hours. So, I assumed that's about what it would take to do the work....wrong.

    2.5 hours of sitting in the waiting room and suffering through Regis and Kelly I finally asked what was going on....I was told they were 'diagnosing now and should know something in 20-30 min.--I asked the guy why they were diagnosing since it was just recall work and he admitted he really didn't know what they were doing to the car but that he'd find out and get to me 'in a minute'.

    Another 30 minutes later the Prius Service tech came out and apologized that it had taken so long but that all he needed to do was take it out for a test run while they completed the paperwork and I'd be done. I offered to go along and he agreed and let me pull it out of the service area and along a route they use for test drives. The battery was down to the last 2-3 bars, and they'd had to reboot the system b/c of an error code (I got the impression that he forgot to update the firmware before trying to do the recall work)--I'd just filled the tank about 12 miles before and that info (miles and mpg) were long gone.

    Anyway, things seemed to work OK. He had to reset something with the driver's window b/c the auto up/down wasn't working. My radio presets were gone, the NAV reset, and I haven't checked the bluetooth presets yet.

    It might be my imagination, but the brakes seemed different--ok, PROBABLY is my imagination, but they just seemed a bit softer than usual, not much, but slightly. Who knows.

    All told I spent a discouraging 3.5 hours waiting for the recall work. I'm sure the next guy/gal to follow at this service dept. won't have to wait nearly as long, however, since they now have all the software updates installed in their system and have been through the process once already.

    Hope this helps someone else know what to be prepared for.

    One the up side, I did get to meet one of the Prius techs, shook hands and introduced myself, made small talk, and generally got on a first name basis. Hoping to cultivate good service in the future.
  2. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    This doesn't sound encouraging

    was the tech breathing or was something lost in the Jinglish translation on how to perform this procedure.
  3. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Re: This doesn't sound encouraging

    I do not know...to be fair I don't know what, exactly, is involved or what caused the error that required reboot. The software upgrade was time consuming. During my ride with him he seemed bright and well informed about the prius. He knew exactly what to do when the auto window stuff didn't work (apparently it's something they have to do when they PDI the car anyway).

    In any case, the job got done, presumably correctly, and I'm happy despite the wasted 3.5 hours. I sure know what you mean though, the info on what has to be done is pretty clearly spelled out as far as the software upgrade and such.
  4. zilch321

    zilch321 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
    I have seen several people complain about the results of the firmware upgrade process on the Prius. I'm wonder, has anyone gone to have the upgrade performed and NOT lost a majority of their settings?

    For those of you who have never dont any type of firmware upgrade, I can make a quick guess as to why you are loosing all of your settings.

    As firmware upgrades go, a majority of systems are designed to overwrite blocks of firmware memory at a time. A group of memory will be selected, and overwritten, then the firmware flash software will move on to the next set of blocks. Three things could account for the missing customer settings:

    -To avoid corruption to the system memory caused by the flash upgrade, the customer memory blocks are reformatted.

    -The new firmware stored customer information slightly different than the original, thus the customer settings must be reprogrammed after the flash.

    -Toyoto firmware flash software is very simplistic, and the firmware is simply blown away, the bios chip is reformatted and the new firmware is dumped on to the prius as if it just rolled off the assembly line.

    Based on all what you have told us about your settings, your fuel information, and past posts from people that had failed firmware flashes, I think it is safe to say my last guess is the correct one. If that is the case, then we can assume that everyone that requires this work is going to lose their setup in full.

    Now, there are a lot of programmable settings in a modern automobile. I would assume (you can make the joke I dont mind) that there would be an option to document a users settings so that the tech can reporgram the system properly after the upgade is complete. If that is the case, your tech just sucks ^_^

    What we really need is Toyota tech to dish out the real info. Or someone that the bucks to buy a service manual. With a car so full of technology as this one, I bet there is a lot of cool things to learn from owning the service manual. There is a very very good chance that a mucho diagnostic menu is some burried some place in that ldc screen :p

  5. HTMLSpinnr

    HTMLSpinnr Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2003
    Surprise, AZ (Phoenix)
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Or... they may just need to disconnect the 12v battery momentarily. That would explain the loss of settings, as well as the power window.

    This firmware isn't for the entire car, but only for the Hybrid ECU.
  6. zilch321

    zilch321 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
    Interesting, so there is a several ECU's for this car? I would really like to see a Service Manual for this car.

    I think it's strange that a control for the electric windows would be kept in a place where it could be scrapped by losing 12v power. I have worked with other cars that have configuration options like this (Dodge comes to mind) but that is always an option set in the ECU configuration and I was pretty sure a lose of power didn't blow that stuff away. I wouldn't see why you would want to put options like that in volitile memory.

    Then again if you lose 12v power in your car you have bigger problems.
  7. HTMLSpinnr

    HTMLSpinnr Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2003
    Surprise, AZ (Phoenix)
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    More than several.... :)

    Agreed. What is stored is the position of "closed" for the window. This is important so that the anti-jam (or cut your arm off) feature can be accurately disabled when it reaches the last bit of travel during auto-up. This is probably stored in the body ECU, which probably doesn't have a battery backup or probably doesn't use flash. This is important, however, since if you replace the window or fiddle with the motor, the position needs to be relearned anyway.

    It's a pretty easy reset. You simply open and close the window, holding the up switch for a few seconds until your "auto" backlight on the switch stops flashing.

    hope this helps,
  8. RobertO

    RobertO New Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Renton, WA
    Kudos to Rick and Recall Pioneers

    Thanks, Rick, for your qualitative discourse on the software control system network topology in the '04. It helps me understand what's going on, what can go wrong, and where the problem(s) might be in future.

    And to Evan and others who Pioneered the Recall Experience; thank you.

    I'm going to review this material with my local dealer before I bring my baby in for for her Shock Treatment; I'll let you all know how it goes after it happens.

    Right now I can't get an apppointment if I wanted to! They don't have a clue from Toyota about the recall, so they couldn't give me an appointment, anyway. I wonder about the other 30 or 40 owners in and around the Seattle Eastside area...?

  9. HTMLSpinnr

    HTMLSpinnr Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2003
    Surprise, AZ (Phoenix)
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Mine's going in tomorrow for the "recall" treatment as well. I'll advise how it goes.

  10. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    Rick is there

    any mention in the Bean Network on the Body ECU about it controlling the fuel system? Like maybe the fuel pump and fuel guage? I'm wondering if there is a toggle for the "reset" feature on the consumption readout. Like between "manual" and "automatic".
  11. Steve Goldenberg

    Steve Goldenberg New Member

    Dec 1, 2003
    Aspen, CO
    2004 Prius
    Resetting the drivers window switch has to be done when ever the battery is disconnected. Instructions for doing that are in the files archives as part of the predelivery checklist.
  12. HTMLSpinnr

    HTMLSpinnr Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2003
    Surprise, AZ (Phoenix)
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    So far - my dealer didn't have the cable, so I'm not sure if mine will get done today or tomorrow.

  13. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    Thanks Rick, I had heard that the fuel guage was

    I had heard that the fuel guage was part of the body ECU control. And what would account for the fact that if you top off the tank before it gets to half full it doesn't automatically reset? This programming blip is a pain.
  14. HTMLSpinnr

    HTMLSpinnr Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2003
    Surprise, AZ (Phoenix)
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    (as posted on the YG)

    Took my '04 in w/ 4685 miles. Took it to Tustin Toyota (Orange County, CA), where I usually get my '02 serviced.

    Asked for the following:

    1. Oil change (using 5W-30) - $24.95 - didn't opt for 5k service which included Rotation and check/clean brakes which was over $50!
    2. Creaking/tapping noise in the dash when going over bumps while cold.
    3. NAV DVD inaccurate (mentioned at Toyota 800#)
    4. Gas tank only accepting < 9.5 gallons of gas at 1 flashing bar.
    5. SC-40a HV ECU Flashing Recall
    6. Front alignment check (tires feathering slightly, and pulling slightly on freeway)

    Results (numbered per above):
    1. Oil changed. Techs didn't reset Maint Required light. Brought it up to the service advisor, he knew how to reset it. I said I had the instructions for it as well, but that it should be done by the tech, and he agreed :) He also mentioned that most/all '04+ Toyotas are getting this light, not just the Prius. He mentioned something about how for a while it was against regulations to put this in (unethical?), but something had changed so they're providing it again in the US. (?)

    2. They couldn't reproduce my dash "creak", but they made sure everything was tight in there. We'll see if it returns.

    3. They called Toyota and Toyota has acknowledged problems w/ the MAP DVD. A fix has not yet been provided, but one is in the works. This is good news for those of us who constantly complain about this. They werne't able to reproduce the issue themselves, but they did take my word for it that in certain areas, addresses are just plain wrong.

    4. They stated that due to the bladder, the fluctuating capacity is to be expected. I'm still not buying it since the old tank held more, and the design didn't change all that much. At least I'm in the system, and if a fix comes out, I'll be in line for it.

    5. They had a problem w/ the cable used to connect the scan tool to the car and are attempting to get a new one. Once it arrives, they'll call me back in for the service campaign. They acknowledged that the car is fine to drive until then. I haven't experienced any issues, but wanted to be proactive none the less.

    6. They supposedly realligned per SA. However, they also noticed that I had my tires "overinflated". Tech commented to the advisor that I must be a previous Prius owner :) SA commented that the '04 has a better tire and doesn't need the extra pressure for longevity. I said my reasoning was more for economy and because it's a steel belted tire, I'm not worried abut uneven wear down the center. They reset pressure to 36psi for now as they're not allowed to fill above that. They supposedly realligned, but it wasn't noted on the sheet and the alignment sheet wasn't provided. This means that I still have 1 free alignment before my year's up, since it wasn't documented that it was aligned. Down side is I don't know for sure that it was aligned.

    Other notes:

    They kept the car for nearly 2 days (Brought it in Wed Morning, picked it up Thurs evening) since the cable was missing, and they had to reproduce the dash creek when it was cold. I did get a rental. Unfortunately Tustin Toyota isn't a TRAC dealer, so I got stuck w/ a contracted Enterprise Dodge Stratus. Basic car - not bad, but I missed my Prius. I managed to consume nearly 2 gallons in it in driving that my Prius would have consumed less than 1. Yay Prius :)

    Sorry for the length. Hope the results help. Toyota acknowledging the DVD is good news.
  15. Steve Goldenberg

    Steve Goldenberg New Member

    Dec 1, 2003
    Aspen, CO
    2004 Prius
    I have the creaking dashboard as well. Only on city streets. Not on the Interstate or other smooth roads.
    Please let me know if and how they fix it so I know what to ask for.
  16. Swampthing

    Swampthing Junior Member

    Nov 29, 2003
    Manassas, VA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    Well, the recall work was finally done today and I am getting ready to go pick up the car. But with my dealership, I am not so sure I can trust that the work was done and done correctly since they claimed the certified Prius mechanic is off on the weekends... :(

    Is there any setup or diagnostic screen I can bring up that shows the work was done? (new program number or something?) I hate to say I don't trust these guys that much... but after my last service center experience I am not so sure (didn't turn the SS/SE back on, didn't reset the MAINT REQD light, didn't realize alignment was way out of spec when they originally sold it to me, etc.)

    Why do I use these guys? The other closest dealership is 20 miles way... :(
  17. DOC

    DOC Junior Member

    Feb 7, 2004
    San Jose, California
    I felt it might be a good idea to let everyone read about my problem with the SSC-40A work.

    I will not go in chronologic order to make things clearer.

    I might add that the Prius Mechanic told me this was the first Prius he had performed the work on. Of course, this came after the disaster.

    Now, apparently, Toyota came out with the software update in Oct. (or Nov.) Unfortunately, there was a software glitch that caused a voltage surge that destroyed the computer that was being reprogrammed. This happened numerous times and in Dec. Toyota came up with software that eliminated the glitch.

    So far, so good.

    But, in an obvious lack of any judgement whatsoever, Toyota did not rename this software, or the old software. The only way you could tell that you were using the new software was by the date. The names were completely the same.

    My Prius Mechanic downloaded the proper software. However, there was NO service bulletin on this, and he installed the older program on my computer. He was unaware of two programs with the same name.


    Computer blew. Naturally he was on the phone to Toyota to find out why, and that information I have just posted.

    So, I am home thanks to a rental car, being paid for by the Toyota dealer.

    And, my 2004 Prius is at the dealership, waiting for a new computer, and, hopefully, the proper upgraded software.

    Other than this, I love my 2004 Prius.
  18. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    DOC -

    Wow, that really sucks for you. Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us!

    Welcome to PriusChat!

  19. HFFL

    HFFL New Member

    Feb 9, 2004
    I just bought a Prius #4 this past Friday & I keep seeing this recall: SC-40a HV ECU Flashing Recall

    Could somebody please explain to me what this is?

    Do I need to take mine in to be serviced?
  20. cybele

    cybele New Member

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles
    Chances are the work was either done at the port or if your car is from one of the later production runs, it was never a problem.

    If you're curious, call 800 331 4331 and give them your VIN and they'll let you know.