Background: Bought Certified Preowned 2007 Prius in December with 39K miles on it, now has 44K miles on it. Problem: Two days ago after a heavy rain I thought I heard the brakes squeal a bit at low speed braking while leaving work in the parking lot, heard nothing else till pulling out of driveway this morning, and heard another small squeal. Made a mental note to investigate later. On the way to work while driving at about 45 mph (dry sunny conditions temp 39 degrees) all of a sudden a grinding, metals on metal shearing type noise occurred. It sounded like the pad was touching the disc lighting and was "scuffing" or something. I pulled over immediately and the noise did not change till I came to a complete stop. I got out walked around looked at all the wheels, under the car, front back and sides, saw nothing dragging or indicating what it was. Got back into the car put it in drive, let it roll forward, more noise, braked, more noise till again I came to a complete stop. Got out and shoved the car a little, looked around again to see if anything like jostled loose, nothing etc. repeated rolling forward, awful grinding noise resumes. So I shut off the car left it off for 1 minute, turned it back on, put it in drive and voila, magic no noise. Unfortunately this obviously did not make me feel better as clearly it was a problem with the car and definitely not something dragging on the ground because simply powering up and down would generally not dislodge anything. Took it in for service right away and they found nothing. Told me I must have been dragging something, no answer to my feeling fairly confident I was not in fact dragging something. So I'm turning to you all. You guys seem to have answers for everything, but I couldn't find a similar topic on the board so Please if this sounds familiar to anyone HELP!! The warranty will run out in 3-4 months (based on current driving mileage) and this is not something I want to pay for if it recurs. Thanks!!!!
I did not notice the car pulling. Would a stone have dislodged by turning the car on and off? Would a scuff/damage from a stone be visisble on the rotor?
Note that with regen braking, the brake pads may not get used much except at low speeds (<8 mph). That may at least explain the squeaking/grinding at low speeds. Since the brake pads in general are used much less, they probably squeak more than you are used to with other cars....?
The noise started at 45 mph. The little squeals I heard weren't too concerning really but they were new. I drive the cars 90 miles 5 days a week and have since december, I feel pretty used to its quirks, but this was a quite sudden and relatively dramatic noise
Were you able to tell if the noise was from the rear or front? Did you feel anything in the peddle while breaking?
Something similiar happened to me on my Gen I. It turned out to be that the pad separated from the metal on one of the front brakes (or I should say part of the pad). It got lodged in between the metal part of the pad and the rotor. It fell away and I never figured out what happened until I did a brake job and saw a chunk of the pad missing.
At this point, you would have to lift the front of the car, put it in neutral, and see if the tires rotate freely. Also, remove each wheel and check and see if the brake pads are properly seated.