Here's the one thing I need to know: Does anyone have the pin-outs/wire color info for the the 2 connectors on the GreenEdge Amplifier under the pasenger seat? (Referring to a 2012/Gen3/ATP) The smaller connector has about a dozen wires, all 22 guage, I assume signals coming down from the head unit. The larger connector has about a dozen wires, mostly 14 & 16 guages, I assume to be 12VDC, GND, and amplified speaker wire. I want to tap left & right speaker signals to send to the amp for the subwoofer. Under the passenger seat is a very convient place for this. How can I tell which wires go to which speakers without opening up all of the doors? Also, should I tap into the amplifyed speakers wire, or try (what I assume to be) the lower level feed into the GreenEdge amp? Wire colors/wire use info would be very useful. Some really good news: The BOSS BASS1200 ($121.00 at Amazom) fits like a glove under the driver's seat, and I mean cross-wise, not long-wise; there is nothing sticking out in front of or behind the seat. I bought only one unit because I knew that the GreenEdge amp was under the passenger seat. Now that I have unmounted the passenger seat for wiring reasons, I see that the GreenEdge amp can be mounted higher up in the passenger seat area with no wire mods required at all. This, then, allows for a second BOSS BASS1200 to be mounted under the RH seat. Doing that, and each sub comes with it's own remote level control, a happy couple can each dial in their own booty shakin' bliss. I am stoked! (I guess an unhappy couple could do this as well, but life's too short to be unhappy!). I'll keep you posted. Please help me with where to get the speaker signals. So far, I have avoided opening the doors or the dash - I'd like to keep it that way. There is one other thing, of course. If there are RCA low-level outs on the back of the head unit, I would gladly go there. Are there any? Thank you; please hurry! MrBill
These should help....(Might be violating some copyright somewhere) FYI, there is a website, it's name eludes me, that has all the wiring diagrams for your prius. I paid ~$7 for 24hrs of unlimited downloads to get these.
If it's anything like the older 10-11 system, the head unit sends a fixed-volume 2-channel signal to the JBL amp, which is processed into 8 or however many channels and sent to the speakers. Bazooka makes a T-harness that goes behind the radio and allows you to connect a bass tube, that may be your best bet. If you are tapping at the amp, it would be best to use the leads for the front door speakers (woofers) and to use a signal processor between the JBL and the sub amp. I was trying to put a processor after my factory amp, but can't seem to find spare factory amp plugs. It would be much better-sounding if you wired it to all the speakers, not just the sub, but they make sub-only units too. A simple line-out converter doesn't take into account the JBL EQ or the frequency range output by the amp on each channel.
More good news from OP, after a fabulous Labor Day Weekend. After doing searches for wire list and wire diagram info in this forum, I was lead to the web site called TIS (Toyota Information Services). At that site I paid the two day fee and was able to access the wire diagrams that I needed. Since I had decided to pick up bass signals at speaker levels, I spliced into pins 8 & 23 (L. Woofer+ & L. Woofer-) and pins 15 & 30 (R. Woofer+ & R. Woofer-) at the large plug on the JBL Amp under the front passenger seat. (Please research your own vehicle before splicing in to any circuit!). After dialing in the Crossover Point, the Input Gain, the Subsonic Filter Hz, and the Bass Boost values, I was very impressed with the performance with this Boss Bass 1200 under the driver’s seat. In addition, while working under the right front seat I learned that it was a piece of cake to make room for a second BB1200 under the passenger seat. Ordering from, I was pleased to see that the 2nd unit was priced at $99. (instead of $121. that I paid for the first one). By un-mounting the JBL amp and removing the shroud and mounting brackets from under the RH seat, I re-mounted the JBL amp up under the passenger seat. That new location did not require any wire or harness work at all. After moving the JBL amp, installing the BB1200 under the passenger seat was straight-forward; all of the wire work was a duplicate of the LH amp’s install. By the way, for each of the amps, I purchased a Wal-mart install kit that included 8 gauge red wire for B+, brown 8 gauge ground wire, a 45 amp fuse & fuse holder, blue turn-on sense wire, and few other small parts. These kits contained everything I needed to install the two working systems. I picked up 12vdc for both amps at the + battery post. Both fuse holders are within 12 inches of the battery post, and are easily accessible at the battery location. I had decided to pick up the remote turn-on voltage from the accessory hot on the 12 volt plug that is in the center console. Having removed the center console for that(5 quick 12mm bolts), I also grounded the 8 gauge B- wires to the tunnel frame that is there. Everything works fantastic! My entire dual-subs installation is completely invisible! Furthermore, there is absolutely no loss of toe space for the rear passengers. Remember that I placed my sub units with the long dimension cross-wise. Left-right placement is critical, but they fit perfectly. Also, I wanted the units as far forward as they would go, so I first stuffed a black sock unto the heater duct under each seat (thanks to he who suggested that!), then I used a 2 foot piece of 2 x 4 to push the duct forward into the opening from which it protruded. Having done that, the plastic duct material caught on the metal edges of the opening and stayed there. Mounting the amps was cake! I put the included strips of Velcro on the bottom of the amps (make sure to use the velcro hooks, not the velcro loops), and it sticks to the carpet very well. Make sure & get it where you want it, ‘cause it sticks! I have to recommend this subs installs to all those with GreenEdge JBL’s. It cannot be considered a competition quality sub install, but it is very, VERY musical and strong in the bass – the difference is night & day from the stock sound. Using 2 units may be over-kill for some, but it gives me the luxury of under-driving each unit, and then being able to use the very lowest sub-sonic filter point and a very low crossover freq. When you get it dialed in right, you can eq. the head unit to play less bass to the stock amp and speakers, freeing them up to play the hi bass, the mids, and the trebles with more elbow room. I am very happy with this install. The whole thing cost me about $250. and it’s invisible! The only other sound improvement I now seek is to have more strength and definition in the very high freqs, say between 10 & 20 kHz. Any ideas for the very high freqs? MrBill
Replace the 2" dash squawkers with 3.5" full-range 2-way speakers (minor cutting required). I'm going to be doing mine in the next few days. I believe they are similar enough to the 2010-2011 for the same guide to be used.