I just took a trip from Phila, PA to Northern Wisconsin. Got a great 51.8 mpg for entire trip. Can't ask for any more. I am so spoiled, don't think I could own anything getting less than at least 40mpg... Car ran great! I have the 08 loaded Prius.
Yup, I'm consistently surprised by the good MPG my prius gives me even when I drive it "normally" (i.e. not watching the hsd display like a hawk)
Yes I agree wholeheartedly. I just drove as I always do and was averaging 65-70 mph. I was not sure how it would do on mostly highway, but it did just fine.
Forgot to mention that I also had the Air condx on at least half of the trip, along with cruise control.
Ditto, it seems trying to second guess the all electric mode is not worth the effort. I am constantly surprised when I look over and I am cruising on the battery alone mode with out trying.
I'll bet you can top that on the way back. I managed 53.8 from Seattle to San Diego at the same cruising speeds, using cruise control & A/C, tires at 40/38.
That's great to hear, Spinnerbug ... and it's nice to hear that you're so pleased with your Prius! That beats our best mileage for a multi-tank trip by a smidge; a bit more than a month ago, we averaged 50.7 mpg in our '08 / Pkg 3 on a 1,625 mile trip from here to up-state NY and back ... and that was with about 700 pounds - weight of people + weight of cargo - in the car ....
Yes, and it seems that the longer you own it, the better it does. I now have 37,500mi on it. I drive to work round trip 100 mi per day and have been averaging 52-53 daily. I am on the original Infinity tires and they were 6/32 just before trip, running 38/36 air pressure. If I had the new sun roof and it was a bit quieter inside, I would have the best of the best!