After the cold weather set in,I watch my MPG go from 165 in September to avg 70+ in Oct,Nov,and into Dec. My trips are for the most part around 3.5m. Last week, I must have inadvertently pressed the heater off button while I was trying to hit audio. That trip was the sought after 999. I thought perhaps the car had reached a new threshhold, only to discover that I wasn't getting any heat. I am now driving with no heat, with no discomfort and even more happy with the PIP. Well, it hasn't gone into the 20s yet.
Heated seats come standard with PiP even with the base model. They work great and it cuts down the need for the inefficient "air heater".
My commute to work is 3 miles. The PiP doesn't even warm up by the time I get to work so I don't even bother turning the heater on even in 20 degree weather. I'm bundled up anyways and use the heated seats instead.
It is great to have everything close together. Isn't it the benefit of living in the city? I have done 4 chore trips combined and drove in a single charge. 6 trips with 2 charges in one day. What a feeling! This car is teaching me to do things locally. I find myself choosing locations closer to home. I can't wait until there are more public charging stations.
This kills mpg in the non-plugin too. My hvac is almost always set to completely off. The only exception is when the GF is shivering when it is 80, just wants hot air doesn't care what "hot" is as long as it is warmer than ambient...
we went to Christmas eve mass tonight, just a half mile, ev no problem. on the way back my daughters were singing and the windshield fogged up. so i hit defrost/floor and fan, only to find out my wife had driven her mother home last night and left the heat on 75. ice fired up and so did i.
+1! She hates the lack of heat and is always threatening to "drive next time"... OK! Last nite was going home from a friends house less than 2 miles away... had plenty of EV available but hit the defroster and with the temp turned down to low... bang the ice fires up! I pull over and shut it off and restart just to stay in EV... she thinks I have totally lost it You bet! Hate to burn gas! I'm with you bisco!
You can't use just defrost, set the temp LO and the air outlet to the windshield and feet. And set the fan at 1 or 2 bars. You need to do that before you shut the car off in order to stay in EV on your next trip.