I don't know if it is just me because I've just started driving or the latest update made the GPS worse. FIrst of all, it does not tell me anymore which side the destination is on. Then, when it announces a turn, it does not give me enough time to prepare (a half a mile advanced notice is not doing me any good). Then, I was driving today, and it kept repeating to keep left (said it twice), and then told me to make a right turn. Well, how if I am on the left side??? FInally, it sometimes says to proceed to the highlighted route but it does not tell me how. I cannot figure out how the lane suggestions work. Can somebody post a screenshot or describe it to a total newbie? Wha is the optimal zoom level I should use for the map? Thank you!!!
See my thread on this - I suggest you report your issues to Toyota using the links in that thread, and perhaps we'll get some action.
Thank you. Another problem I've almost forgotten about is the fact that now sometimes a navigation direction announcement cuts off right in the middle and then says "You have reached your destination" which is puzzling since I have definitely not reached my destinaation. I've only been driving for a couple of weeks so I am still in a learning curve.
Might try going to the Toyota Site and go to owners section. Sign Up as it has instructions and Training for That. Hope this helps