I currenty have the Daylight Savings Time setting turned on . So I'm guessing that my clock on the MFD when using the GPS will not spring forward when 2am rolls around. I wonder if that will possibly be patched someday. So to get the right time I will have to turn DST off for three weeks and then turn it back on. As mentioned in other threads, I hope it goes away altogether so that I don't have to worry about it.
I'm not to sure how the daylight saving time is implemented in the Prius Nav but I think the information will be sent down via the GPS satellites as a bit flip of some kind. Something like... 0159 March 11th. Prius NAV: Is it DST yet? GPS data: NO 0200 March 11th. Prius NAV: Is it DST yet? GPS data: YES Prius NAV: OK I dont think you will have to worry about it. I guess we will all find out in a few hours. You will have to set the clock on the dash manually. :angry:
I believe the GPS system uses Zulu time for navigation, so DST isn't an issue. I, too, will be interested to see what happens. Probably just phone call timestamps off by an hour.
My hunch is that the DST setting only affects the appointment calendar function of the navigation system. I fail to see how it affects any other operation.
The 2006 Prius nav system offers you the option of estimated arrival time, so you'd see a DST error there.