I got on a 4th list today. I had contacted a number of dealers and responded to 4 that had replied. This one apparently didn't get my return email asking what she needed from me to get on her list, but she sent a "just checking in" email Monday. While we were talking, she said one lady offered to pay $12,500 (yes, I verified that number by repeating it with a BIG question mark) over MSRP to buy their DEMO! The dealer declined, they don't work that way and don't want to sell their demo. The lady is on their list now, I'm surprised she didn't hunt down the lowly dealers selling over MSRP. Maybe she isn't internet saavy and doesn't know where those dealers are. So, at the moment I am anywhere from a couple of months to a year and a half from becoming a Prius owner, depending on how the allocations work out