Got my new car yesterday. Guess it looks like all the other silver Prii, but here are a few pics anyway....
Congratulations! Looks similar to mine before all the chips and scratches (except mine is a touring).
CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ... that's WONDERFUL news, Sorthund!!! ( yes ... they really DO all look about the same; don't they? snicker .... ) my better half and i are struggling a bit here in our "humble cave" to patiently wait for our Seaside Pearl / Pkg #3. which package did you get, by the way; may i ask? congrats again, and happy driving!
Howdy and welcome Sorthund, Mine's silver too and I love it. There is a wealth of information to be had here. Great folks to boot. I am glad that you are enjoying your vehicle so much. Hope to be hearing from you again soon.
Thank you! I got #5. "Ordered" #6 but this one came up, and with everything being so crazy, and our Land Rover only getting 12mi/gl in Seattle driving, we jumped on it. I love it, I feel like I'm driving a space ship or something. Does not feel like any other car I've driven. I find myself driving slower (opposite our Mini S, lol). However so far I'm only getting 31mi/gl but I've only driven 28 miles in it and it's VERY hilly where I live. I'm trying to apply the p&g etc. Need to check the tire pressure tomorrow, I'm sure it came low, and I know that there's a full load of oil, because I had the dealer check it, asked them to take some out, but they said a new engine need that oil.... I'm hoping that driving more will even things out.
Thanks for the pics. Is that antenna an XM or something? I have an 08 SPM #5 and everything looks the same except for that. edit Wait... the antenna in pic 2 looks different than pic 4 (which looks like mine) G
Your traffic there is horrible! This will help a lot. My uncle lives there (former UW dean) and the last time we visited I was amazed at the bumper to bumper on I5.
Congrats on your new Prius!!!!! Now when are you going to sell the mini cooper and get another Prius :bounce::bounce: Not than I am biased or anything
Yeah, I noticed that to about the antenna, did you change it to another one right away, they are different in each pic????
Illegally imported Cuban cigars all round. Congrats, nice baby, thankfully she gets her looks from her mother.
Well, I don't think we'll be selling the Mini soon (I waited 7 months in '06). I love that car, it's actually "mine" but right now hubby is the one driving it. We'll see what he decides on down the road. He always changes his mind on what he wants.
hee hee,, I think you will soon be fighting over who drives the Prius, and the Mini will be left in the dust.... You are going to just love the Prius, even more so than the mini after you see how much better MPG the Prius gets. Welcome to PC, this is a very informative forum!!
Thanks Michelle, I've learned a lot from here already. I'd like to find out how to keep the dog hair and muddy feet off the upholstery. I haven't let my dogs in the car yet, sigh, will have to bite the bullet today I think. My husband did "complain" about me not letting him drive the Prius today, I told him I'd "let" him tomorrow, but I also said "get your own", LOL.
OMG,, I am laughing right now cause you sound just like me, the day I bought my Prius, I sent my Wieners off to the groomers that morning before I picked up the car cause I didn't want the stinkers in the car until they were groomed, and then they were the first ones to ride in the car when I picked them up, but I put a huge vinyl tarp over the entire backseat, and sure enough some of their hair got all over the car anyway, cause they were acting like ninnys in the backseat trying to bury themselves under the tarp since Doxies like to burrow under covers,, since then they have only been in the car 1 other time, they are probably wondering what the heck is going on cause they always go on short errands with me..
My son would love to have that Mini!! He had one and loved it, but had a terrible wreck and can't seem to find another in this area. As for me, I'm waiting on my barcelona red prius! He thinks it's the ugliest car on the road - this coming from a guy who loves the mini. What can you say.
Nah. The ugliest car on the road is (was) the Pontiac Aztec, closely followed by the Hummer. Pri has a "form follows function" beauty. Mini's are........different. opcorn: