Just got a Prius (2014 Package III.) Wondering if this has happened to anyone else, or if it's my phone: I have the Display Audio with Entune and Nav. But sometimes it's just easier to use Google Nav from my phone (HTC Sensation, Android 4.0.3,) Phone connects via Bluetooth when I get into the car and everything seems to work - except that if I try to use Google Nav, most all directions get chopped off at the beginning. So "In 1000 feet, turn right on Main Street," might be truncated to "On Main Street" - not very helpful. Seems like the audio stream is somehow not continuous, and it must be reconnecting each time Google Nav speaks - and taking too long to do so. Curious if others have had this problem - or alternately, have used Google Nav over Bluetooth successfully - so I can at least know if the problem is on the side of the phone or the car. Thanks for any leads!
I can only guess but I would assume that your display audio isn't playing nice with google nav. Display audio is built with entune traffic in mind so there may be no provisions for google nav to work well within the system. Can you use google nav without having the bluetooth turned on?
Yeah, that may be what I have to do. Sort of annoying to have to turn the Bluetooth off every time - and I bet I'll often forget until after I start driving and the truncated Google Nav starts speaking. There's no way to tell the Display Audio to disconnect Bluetooth while driving, is there? Didn't see a way to do it in the manual, but it would be much easier/safer to disconnect it on the car than to try to do it on the phone.
Maybe I misunderstood, but selecting any other audio source will eliminate bluetooth audio. And I see the same trucated google nav. It's like the phone starts to speak and it's as if the bluetooth is in a low power mode in the car's audio for a second.
Hmm, well selecting another audio source eliminates Bluetooth audio from the car's perspective, but it seems like the phone still thinks it's streaming to Bluetooth. The audio (Google Nav) doesn't come out of the phone's speaker, so I can't hear the directions at all.
Well, now that you mention it, that's what mine did. I forgot that the bluetooth was still connected. Should be able to remove the audio pairing of bluetooth while allowing the phone to remain connected. I'm off to try it...........
I use the Google Maps app on my iPhone 5, connecting via Bluetooth and have not experienced any truncation of the navigation voice. If the iPhone is streaming music then Google Maps voice prompts fade the music down, make an announcement and then resume the music.
My iPhone 5s behaves with my 2010 JBL navigation system exactly as yours SAronian, but I believe your 2012 PPI is running Entune. With either Google maps or Apple maps being tested I would stream music from the iPhone, and when the navigation app in use issued a spoken prompt, the music was nicely faded, the prompt fully heard, then the music faded back to normal volume. I suspect it is an issue with the phone, or version of Android in use and not the car equipment. Roland