I will be heading to Hilton Head soon for 8 days of needed relaxation. The Prius will be sitting in the garage resting too. Are there any tips on what I should do to the car before it sits unattended for 8 days ? Thanks
Nada, niente garnichts zero. If you have smart entry turn it off by pressing the switch under the steering wheel, but for a week even this is unneccesary. Much of the history of short lived batteries belong to the PreviousPrius. People have left the 2G sitting for over a month with no problems. Enjoy!
I completely disagree with Ammiels, You must take photos of your Prius so you can look at them and remember as you get lonely and begin to miss her a few days into the trip. You must reassure your Prius that you don't love your other car more and promise her that she can go on the next trip with you. Be sure to leave a dish of food and water (or mobile 1) for her in case she gets hungry while you're away. Promise her you'll connect with her Bluetooth phone every day! Go on your trip and have fun, if you're anxious about it you can, as Ammiels suggested, turn off the SKS, but if you forget I wouldn't sweat it.
For peace of mind I would make extra sure to lock the garage. While on vacation you don’t want to wake up in a cold sweat worrying if you locked the doors.
Great post Evan!!! :mrgreen: I cannot think of anything special to do. I've left my classic sitting for that long of a period of time.
Evan, Just make sure the dog doesn't get the bowl of Mobil 1 or he might look like one of these guys. -----> :mrgreen: ukeright:
I just thought I'd report that I left my 2004 prius for 6 days (at the sacramento airport) and came back to a dead (12 volt) battery. I didn't remember to turn off the SKS, but you can be certain that I'll be turning it off next time! It wasn't a fun surprise at midnight to need a jump, and of course when the guy finally found the parking garage I was in, he had never seen a Prius up close before. Not that it was really a problem - he didn't put the negative cable where the manual told him to at first, but once that didn't work he moved it over & things worked immediately. (I knew he had it right because the theft detection (horn) thingy triggered).
Wait a minute. You are a ER Doc right, and you are using the dog ate them? Next thing you will tells us that your partner flushed them down the toilet. Even an Ob/Gyn is not going to go for that. You need to find a first year Medical Student to pass that one off on!