Thanks, still have my Durango w/the 5.9L. Its much nicer to buy a full tank of gas with the new car though! Daily Im getting 53mpg (54 miles rt mostly highway) to work and now that its getting warmer Im hoping it will increase. Got my first 2000 mile trip later this month so that should be enlightening.
:welcome: 53mpg is really good considering you have the car for such a short time. Here the fuel is around 9$/gallon (1.55€/L) - so there you go - enjoy your 4$/gal because you still don't know how much it can hurt... (but yes, we drive shorter distances, on average, in EU - my commute, e.g., is about 34km/21mi).
Congrats on your new Prius and welcome to PriusChat. The MPGs look great. Enjoy the high MPGs, technology and low-emissions. :welcome:
What I love most is I can pull behind an SUV already filling up, fill up my Prius (my last pip is flashing), finish and drive off before they're done filling up. I get looks... I'll assume it's envy, either that or just plain old confusion? I also still get questions; How do you charge the batteries? It has an engine? How long do you think the batteries will last? Wow - I guess some people still live under a rock. What worries me more is they also vote in our elections. Makes one wonder how they make decisions based on their very limited knowledge of what's going on around them.
You got to have some fun with this. Next time at the pump behind a SUV, put the nozzle over the antennae. When they ask, tell them that Prius extracts electricity from the fuel to run the audio system!
:welcome:From one newbie to another welcome to the Forum!! There is a lot of excellent information here. 1500 miles on mine and I am still smiling!!