Getting Silver #2 in Week. Want Gray #2. Want to Trade?

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by Tim in Hollywood, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. Tim in Hollywood

    Tim in Hollywood Junior Member

    Mar 10, 2008
    2008 Prius

    Just as the subject says, I have a new 2008 Silver (package #2) coming in a week. I ordered/wanted a Metallic Gray (package #2), but was told they had no idea when they would have one available for me.

    Does anyone here have a Package #2 Metallic Gray coming...but would actually want a Silver #2??? If so, maybe we can work out some way for our dealers to make the trade?

    My dealer is in eastern Nebraska.

    My car is expected to be available in a week (around July 5). Yours not available right now? No problem. I'll happily wait a few more weeks for my chosen color.

    Please reply if this works for you.
