[attachmentid=694][attachmentid=692]So here I am sitting on the computer with my Prius tucked away safe and sound in the garage..... For now!! Funny thing was that today was quite nice outside. If it wasn't for the satellites up there telling us that this monster storm was on its way, no one would ever know!! All of the preparations have already been complete... All lawn furniture has already been brought inside, plenty of food and water... The generator all fueled up and connected to the breaker panel..etc...etc... I have lived in South Florida for over 20 years and I have NEVER had to endure so many frigging hurricanes and tropical storms that we had in the past year!! Oh well.. For those of you out of harms way PLEASE keep us Floridians in your thoughts and I hope all of us get through this with MINIMAL damage and disruption to all... Thanks!! Brian BT Tech 305-652-3115
It has been a rough season. At least this one seems to be a bit more milder than some of the others. Good luck!
Is there any way to get your car to the second floor? You could move out stuff like furniture, your wife and kids, put the dog in the Prius! Actually good luck! This defiantly has been a bad season and I hope the northeast is not next. I was in a category 1 hurricane once many years ago and anything greater makes me soil my pants. Let us know how you do as soon as you can.
Here's wishing you and yours the best of luck. It will sure be good once this hurricane season is over with!!!
Yeah, I've been sick of this since last year's busy season. :angry: Working with the City, I have to camp out at the EOC as communications / protocal / webmaster. While everyone else bail's out or hunkers down at home, I sleep on a cot. <sigh> Even though we are not close this time 'round, we are still partially activating the EOC in the city and have told non-essential employees not to come in. After Katrina, everyone gets a little nervous here is our City's site: www.eustis.org You can see the link to the EOC on the home page. It's also called "emergency management" Oh, and notice all the earth-friendly stuff on the homepage - that's my eco-friendly nature showing...I got free reign of this site. It ain't as good as this website...but for about 10 minutes of maintenance per day and being free for the taxpayers, it'll do
Best wishes from England. Hope it's not too bad, and hope to be reading a post soon that everything's ok. Regards PeteB - 02 Silver 'Classic' - 72k miles Luton UK Life mpg 51.43 ~ 42.82 ~ 5.49 ~ 18.21 (UK ~ US gal ~ I/100Km ~ Km/I)
Thanks everyone for the well wishes.. This was one heck of a storm and there is extensive damage over a very large area. I am currently running on generator but am only able to use it a few hours a day due to fuel constraints. The Prius made it through without a problem and is still "sleeping" in the garage safe and sound!! Thanks again everyone!! Brian BT Tech 305-652-3115
Do you guys have power yet?? I am in Hallandale Beach and its still dark!! Thank goodness for the generator though it doesn't get as good gas mileage as the Prius. Hey, how about a hybrid generator??? Thanks!! Brian BT Tech 305-652-3115
i got my power back up at 7p wed........the other side of the street had power back at 12p! didnt have a generator.....but i will get one very soon!! enough already!! miami didnt have the damage that broward did.....but thank goodness most of us came out unscathed! i have no garage.........but the tree that i parked next to......fell on my neighbors 2 cars........i was very sorry.....but totally glad that my new 2005 (with 400 miles) was ok...... only got a little roof damage..... but it was scary........ i think katrina was scarier......it seemed like more was going on.....but both lasted way too long.......seems like it lasted about 2 1/2 hours... she hit on mon at about 530a......& 700a my electricity went out.......it was good 2 get 2 know many of my neighbors....who i had never met -but in times of storm we all forged friendships & language was no barrier! lucky for me.......the gas grill was great for breakfast, lunch & dinner........ had plenty of h20......& food........and of course gas (with the prius!).........there were loooong lines at the few gas stations that had power to open......2005....! what a year for hurricane hell.......but she also gave me my new red salsa baby! & i luv her! cocoa B)
OK here in Aventura. Our power came back on Tuesday, late afternoon. My building has a generator that powered the hallway lights and the elevators. We had no running water once we lost power though and didn't get hot water until the next day. Overall we are really lucky over here. Still without cable (Atlantic Broadband). No major building damage in Aventura, other than one condo building with some blown-out windows (they seem to have faulty windows as this is the second time this has happened and it is a newer building). People came toghether pretty nice in my buiding, usually some can be downright nasty! Some even gathered for a impromptu party in the lobby on Monday night!
Brian - Start Selling an Inverter Kit Went to my office in Deerfield yesterday and ran my computer, monitor, printer and desk lamp for around 2 hours off a 1,250 Watt inverter ($129, including shipping from Inverters R Us) hooked up to the Prius 12v battery. As near as I can tell the Prius ICE started around 3-4 times during the 2 hour session. It didn't even make a dent in my MPG's. Got gas in Weston today; only had to wait 45 minutes at the EXXON station at Arvida Parkway and Weston Road. I usually put a gallon in after the first click off, but today I went for 2.2 gallons before the filler neck started to gurgle. I know I'm not supposed to overfill (it's a gas emergency down here), but the last time I did the gurgle thing, I went 180 miles before the first guess gauge bar disappeared. I should get close to 600 miles on this tank.
What a bizarro year. Of course the hurricane "density" '95 - '05 is way above the preceeding years. The Atlantic surface temps are up a smidge. Guess that's all it takes. And it's not even November yet. I'm glad I moved out of the Southeast years ago (I grew up in Savannah, GA).
Yesterday was a good day in Palm Beach and Martin Counties evidently. Most people I know, including myself, finally got power back by last night, but finding gas is still hard. My wife and I were quite proud of our resourcefulness. We only ran the generator intermittently to keep the refrigerator cold during the day, and we used my solar panels and battery bank to run an inverter for power by night, and to run my secondary 24 volt water pump. We could have kept this up for a couple weeks, but thank goodness we didn't have to. The second eyewall made a REAL MESS of my trees.
Power is back up in Hallandale Beach!!!! I was getting awful tired of hearing that $#%$#%@ Generator!! I did enjoy viewing the night time sky though with all the stars..This was the FIRST time that I was able to see the Milky Way Galaxy right from my backyard. Now that the power is back along with all the light pollution, I kind of don't mind it going off every once-in-a-while... Thanks!! Brian BT Tech 305-652-3115