I want to attempt to clean my EGR circuit, the intake and change plugs. I am worried about breaking studs or bolts while doing this. I have tried taking off simple bolts like the bolts holding the overflow tank in place and the bolts were not corroded at all and snapped on me. I am just wondering if the studs holding the EGR cooler come out easily from the block or if anybody on here has had difficulty and/or has snapped them while trying to remove them. Thanks in advance.
they will very likely not snap, but there is a certain difficulty to get one specific bolt out from the egr cooler / take your time & be patient & things will work out, no reason not to start these project /
I found the top, frontmost stud on the EGR cooler a little stubborn coming out of the block. Ditto when reinstalling. The rear/bottom cooler nut is a royal pain to reach. Consider too, once you've got that one off, to leave it off. If you want, back out the stud at that location too, either before or after removal of the cooler, and leave it off as well. For both of the aforementioned, you can "warm up" by removing them in advance, and the whole thing will still be stable. I took the frontmost top stud off recently, put a little anti-seize on the threads and reinstalled. I took the lower/rear stud/stud combo off at the same time, and left them off. Repair Manual seems to be saying to only loosely reassemble the EGR cooler and valve, before reinstall and torque of all the other nuts/bolts/studs. I can see the logic in that, but not sure it's possible, to do final torque on the valve-to-cooler bolts, with everything in place. Mercifully, all the tolerances seem to be tight enough it goes together well with the valve-to-cooler bolts pre-torqued. Info on what tools are needed, and torque values, in first link in my signature.
Best. Idea. Ever. Well, almost. As much as I'm a stickler about missing fasteners and using the proper fasteners, I heeded this advise. The only downside to this is that you have absolutely no excuse not to do maintenance on it again.