Hello all I was curious on what I should be paying for my insurance for my 2008 Prius. I'm about to be 26 yrs old I have never filed any claims, no accidents, no tickets, nada! right now I have GEICO and I have been paying 129$ a month for the past two years. It recently went down to 119$ before that I was paying 198$ a month with State Farm. My credit score is around 735 (not sure if this really matters I hear some say it helps with rates). Is this normal? I feel like it's so much for an almost 10 year old car. My Prius has 137k miles I drive only about 150 miles a week if I'm not doing anything. My friend just got a 2017 corolla le and is paying 143$ for full coverage. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated
Age, garaging zip code, and Make/Model are the primary factors in your rate; however most companies are using a service that rates you as an individual call an "insurance score". One factor in an insurance score is your credit history and current credit score.
It varies from state to state and agency. I'm 30 years old and it only cost 99 bucks for full coverage on my 09 model through Progressive. I have a clean record too.
It depends on your deductible amount and your min fault coverage which is usually 10,000. Personal injury which if u crash into someone a ambulance ride and an MRI and 10 hours in the ER eat it right up. From there on out it comes out of your pocket. So min personal injury is stupid. So bad idea to have minimal personal injury. Oh and it depends on if u have collision or not. And if u own your own home or not and if u live in a state with alot of meth heads who drive around uninsured like the lovely state I live in and especially in Kentucky. So it ......depends
Like others have said, your insurance rate is going to vary based on Your driving record Your age Your address Your car Your gender How long you have been with the insurance company Your coverage preferences Whether you have other insurance policies with the company Which company you are insured by And in some cases, your credit score My mix of factors works out to roughly $90 per month to insure my 2009 Prius
I'm twice the OP's age. Perfect driving record. 25 years with same company. Insurance cost for my '16 is ridiculously high. I'm going back to driving my 1998 Chevy pickup. And don't have to worry about damn tailgaters!