So my name is Buddy A.,I have a 2002 Toyota Prius that has a random cylinder misfire. I thought it might be the crankshaft sensor,because what would happen is after running for awhile would develop a mis-fire,after some technical evaluation I determined that it was not the ignition coil I had some extras and I change them out but after cooling down and several times letting motor run to develop the misfire what would happen is it would start shaking violently freaking me out because I know that it is direct drive generator wow so determined that fuel injectors were leaking on the electrical side of the injector causing the injector to overheat and develop misfire did you not get to work quit working but after cooling off it would be operational again hope this helps you guys$50 for the fuel injectors I recommend replacing all 4 .You can test fuel injector by applying 12 Volt source to each side of the injector connector little 2 little metal tabs on the inside doesn't matter positive or negative if the injector clicks the injector works. I noticed, on the inside of the injector, where the electrical connector plugs in, it had an oily substance, not sure if that was fuel but that was what caused me to replace all 4
Good job. Plugs, injectors, coils, throttle body, MAP sensor, coolant pump, a list of the most likely problems on these cars from what I've learned so far.