My friend was visiting Walt Disney world and universal studios and rented a 2018 Prius v and has the codes 3102 and 3191 he has to return the car by Saturday thanks. I think he said he ran out of gas
OBDII trouble codes follow the format of one Alpha digit, then 4 Alphanumeric digits, I so have to make up a first digit on your codes. P3191 TOYOTA Engine Does Not Start Running out of gas is at least one of the possible causes. (I would argue it is two, as running out of gas is an 'Improper fuel pressure')
@Priuslover09 If you friend rented from a major rental company, he should contact them. From renting many car in the past, it's unlikely they will hold it against him. Computer codes are hardly blamed on clients, only "reckless" damage causes issues. However, if he used one of those "peer-to-peer" then point him to the post where people suggest filling at least 3 gallons to be safe and then disconnect the black (-) cable from the battery and wait (I'm not recalling the exact time) and replacing the negative cable, then try to start it again. **But most important DO NOT Drain the traction battery. I'm dealing with the consequences of that right now.**
he said he ran out of gas I...just....don' I will never understand how anyone can unknowingly fail at the most basic concept of an automobile... I hope he gets it resolved
To be fair, the Gen 2 Prius in North America has an almost completely useless gas gauge. You are better served by counting miles on the trip odometer than relying on the gauge. That said, "get gas anytime you see just two pips" works pretty well.
I wonder if a rental company has anything in the contract for things like this. Geez, it's a 2018 model. Think of the expense if the battery were to get drained. The rental company gets the car towed for repair, it gets diagnosed as a "ran out of gas" and then they bill your CC for 4 grand for repairs.
lol, first time around I thought you were referring about your knowledge of Prius from being a member here. second time around, I get you now!
I think it is "Why is 'my friend' such an idiot?", but I could be wrong. Priuslover09, if 'your friend' pulls off the Negative battery cable on the 12 volt battery, which may clear the codes, then reattaches it and adds at least 3 gallons of gas without turning the car on, then they may be good to go. (assuming they did not run down the HV or 12v battery playing around) My v shows an orange gas pump shaped light about 10 miles before 'empty', it then goes over 50 miles below 'empty', with the light on the whole way.
It was a rental. That also means he was out on vacation. People driving rentals are commonly unfamiliar with the different controls and indicators and quirks in rentals compared to their usual cars. Plus, very many people leave there brains home when they go on vacation. The spouse learned this as a Travel Agent, back when that profession still existed. And I can't say that even we are exempt from that pattern. I had understood 'v' models to be Gen3s, thus don't have that drained-battery problem when running out of gas. That was a Gen2 problem. Gen3 has protections built in.
I put gas in and it fixed the problem and cleared the codes. Sorry I never got back to this post. I been busy.
Thank You! It is easier to give help with feedback as to what worked and what didn't. I am glad it got resolved.