Yesterday I refilled the fuel tank after going a little less than 450 miles since my last refill. My total cost? $19.22 for 7.600 gallons.
Long-term the price of gas will continue to rise as world-wide demand increases. In the short-term though I see gas less than 2 bucks by the end of January.
Today I just find out that I can get reimburse for a trip I took last week for my company. It was a 35 miles round trip, and it'll be something close to $17 of reimbursement. That's almost my whole week of gas! B) :lol:
I doubt I'll see the price of Regular Unleaded go below $2/gallon here in Los Angeles by the end of January (or ever).
I just filled up today too. 8.49G for $19.87. It's good for my budget, but I hope people realize that this doesn't mean it's ok to start splurging on big cars....
Careful... A thread like this has a habit of attracting old, crusty, commie-weirdo types who want gas prices to go up higher forcing us into a more "communal" way of life... h34r:
Here in Tulsa gas is $2.05 a gallon. When it was over $3 a gallon people were calling me smart and loved my car. Now gas is down they think I am silly for getting this car, people need to make up their minds.
If you bought the car to help the environment you did the right thing, if you bought the car to save money the jury is still out.
Around here the gas is about $2.19 to $2.26 for regular. And I am one of those that like it coming down because I use high test (93) in my MR2 turbo, :lol:
Either way he saves on gas even if the gas price goes under $2/gallon because he'll just have to fill up once every 550-600 miles.
Gas is too cheep. No one appears to me to be changing their driving habits. It was cool on Wednesday and I had to run a couple of errands. When I came out of the store there were two cars next to mine with their engines running. My measure of the correct price of gas is when I see High School juniors and seniors lining up with the freshman and sophomores to catch the bus in the morning instead of driving themselves to school.
I joke with my wife that gas is too cheap as well. It is taking away my "smug" factor. Of course, now that prices are falling, Where is the outrage...Where are the congressional hearings...Where is the new media...WHAT is going on??? (aside to malorn...some of us can't spend every waking minute on PC)
I agree. If the gas goes down, we Prius drivers still are saving money as we get, in some cases, several times the MPG as the Hummer/suv crowd. :lol: B)
An article in today's USA Today (hotel delivered it free, I'd never buy it) agrees with you. Now that gas prices have fallen from the $3+ levels seen right after Katrina, people are going back to their gas-guzzling ways.
I've had my Prius for about a week and a half amd I'm looking forward to filling up today. It should cost me less than $20 to fill up for the next week. My last car was a Honda CRV that got 24MPG if I avoided city driving. But I still had to refill it twice a week at $20-$25 each fillup (at today's prices). When gas was at $3 I calculated the Prius would save me $150/month in gas. But with prices falling, I'll save less . All that said, everyone I know is VERY interested in my Prius and think the car is amazing.
A lot of people have very short memories when it comes to gas prices. I am certainly very glad the prices are coming down since I presently drive about 550 miles/week and I can save some cash. I also am hoping that if the prices stay low, the demand for the Prius will be low when I am looking to buy in the spring.