On 3/18, around 2:45 PM someone's portable plastic gas container fell onto the freeway (I did not see it fall off so there's no one I can pursue). I saw it dancing across the freeway, when the car in the lane next to me hit it with its wheel. The container flew up and hit my windshield, and resulted in the above damage. It also spilled gas all over the windshield. Time for a new windshield, sigh.:frown: Will see about the rear view mirror...
Looks like it may have missed the LKA camera? I'm glad it didn't come clear through and hurt someone.
People who don't secure their loads really suck. Losing a full gas container is inexcusable. It's lucky no one was injured. The mentally challenged person who lost it probably is still clueless about where it went: "somebody stole my gas container!" Duuurrrrr...
sorry to hear about the accident nothing you can do about it. About then years ago I was on the US high way (was studying in the USA) and I was driving a RAV4. A piece of the fender or part of the bumper was on the high way the car infront went right over it with the rear weel, it took the fender in and then shoot is out from behind and I saw it flying towards me and right at my drivers windshield, I thought at that time I was going to die because I thought the thing was going straight at my face. Lucky suddenly the last meter or so it droped down and I heard a big bank and the front tire got shredded immediately and I slow the car down slowly and pull to the side cand called for help.
Windshield replacements are usually covered 100% and they are almost always damaged on the road from a stone being kicked up from another car. I know this is not the case here, but a stone getting kicked up or a gas can I would think would still be covered the same way.
bummer dude. too bad you cant run down who lost the container. we have a law in WA state named for a young lady who was traveling near Seattle and a truck carrying construction material had it go thru her windshield, causing her to be partially paralyzed and blind. the previous laws which were pretty token fines, (the guy was charged for littering... a $500 fine. the result of his careless was over one million dollars (and counting) for medical expenses plus the immeasurable cost to a young attractive single woman disfigured for life) have been jumped up considerably. all i can say is, if you are travelling the highways of Washington State with an unsecured load, you are taking a HUGE risk. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002408639_mariasbill28e.html Maria's Law Charge for Unsecured Load | InjuryBoard Seattle on a lighter note, most insurance companies provide no deductible windshield replacement.
there are so many unsecured loads here in socal ....more than anywhere I ever saw...mostly mattresses probably heading to south of the border...but a plastic gas container---I never thought one would do so much damage---probably some landscape engineers
Sorry to hear about your experience. Hopefully nothing else was damaged since you have the LKA camera close to the windshield.
Maybe it depends on the insurance company, but I had something similar happen to me and the object went underneath my previous car and pierced the gas tank. It was covered under comp by Farmers.
The LKA camera sits behind the windshield in the overhead console (same compartment as the sunglasses holder).
yea i think the LKA camera is fine, though I should double-check. good thing the windshield stayed intact. i do have a deductible of $500 though, so I'm not sure how much the insurance is going to actually cover; I do wish it was lower, oh well. at least I can still drive the car!
Most car insurance policies here include upto 1 free windscreen per year with no excess (deductable). Check your policy it might be the case for you too.
Wrong defendant... The gas can hit the Toyota. The Toyota did not hit the gas can. Now it could be argued that if the gas can were empty, it would have simply bounced off of the Prius windshield. However the gas can was full of gas. With the additional mass of the gasoline (~ 6 lb / gallon) in the container, there would be enough kinetic energy (Ek = 1/2 Mass x (Velocity)**2) to break the glass windshield. Therefore an analysis should be made of the gas residue in the gas can to determine which refinery produced the gas. Sue the gasoline company!!! One could also sue for pain and suffering - Chronic Gas Pain. Keith P.S. Really sorry to hear about the broken windshield...