Fuelly | Share and Compare Your MPG is a great site for posting and comparing gasoline consumption among many different cars. Doesn't seem to be any way to post electricity consumption. There's 4 Volt owners with MPG data on fuelly, half the story. Is it feasbile and easy to determine electricity consumption into your PHV or EREV for a given tank of gas? Is there a site to post this info instead of getting buried in threads?
The CleanMPG* mileage logs allow entry of kWh as well as gallons for each tank and it will show total kWh. but the listed mpg is just for fuel. * Disclosure: I'm a mod there.
Don't know if it's useful for you but my UK electricity supplier provides a useful website to enable you to track your electricity and natural gas usage. You could use two options for electricity - one for the house, one for the car. I don't think there is an option not to allow you to set up an account. EBICO iMeasure - a buildings energy monitoring calculator
I posted a new thread on Fuelly requesting electric fuel consumption be added. If you are interested, please comment on this thread: Electricity (kWh) Fuel Consumption and MPGe | Fuelly Forum There was also a previous thread which was closed: electricity / kWh fuel type | Fuelly Forum
Does the PiP measure kwh per gas tank? I don't even know how I'd track it, because I refill gas at different times from when I charge. But I suppose that, if I can reset the meter when I fill up, and if it's accurate, then it will work.
Like you said, you can use one of the Trip A/B meters. The one issue I see with that is that I think it measures kWh used from the battery. I think the more relevant kWh measurement is from the wall. Anyhow, I don't think that logging kWh necessarily has to be tied to logging gas tanks. They could be logged independently and combined afterwards in a MPGe calculation.
This is German site you can set it to English and shoving MPG and miles instead of km. Two examples: Details: Toyota - Prius - NHW20 Plug in PHEV - Spritmonitor.de Details: Toyota - Prius - Prius plug-in 4,5 kWh - Spritmonitor.de
Fuelly staff replied with questions about how often and how electricity usage is measured/recorded. For those with PHEVs, it would be very helpful if you could comment on the thread: Electricity (kWh) Fuel Consumption and MPGe | Fuelly Forum