I found this review to be very interesting, actually seeing the entune system work and seeing how the luggage fits in the rear cargo area.
They didn't show much of Entune but it was neat to see the small LCD action. Good to hear confirmation of the incredible gas mileage figures.
"Here we are in a parking lot - the natural habitat of the Prius C." Yeah, his mpg numbers are impressive! And reassuring. Haha.
Interesting that the highway mileage trends up with slightly higher speeds. Trimming a few minutes off the commute and increasing mileage is a great combination!
Okay, I think a fair review. But a couple of criticisms. One very petty I admit. But at about the 4:18 mark the bottom of the screen pops up with a graphic showing the MPG. It says 50 Combiened...which is a misspelling....it should be Combined. Okay, not a big deal at all BUT if you are doing car reviews? Knowing how to spell Combined...since it is used with ALL car reviews in relationship to MPG's, might be a good idea. One other bit I think unfair, is the illustration that items can't be pushed back when the seat is folded down because of the "bump" or gap created when the seat is folded down. While in relationship to say, My Honda Fit, I noticed the gap created when the seat back is folded down, and I do think it is a drawback in comparison to a completely flat load floor, I think it's a little unfair to suggest that it's not something most people couldn't work around, most of the time. There's a couple inch bump that is created, but I'm thinking in most cases items could be balanced over that bump, or a piece of cardboard used to allow an item to be angled over the bump. In the review the gap is never shown, infact a close up of the entire hatch area is never really provided, and it's suggested that items cannot be pushed any farther forward than up to that bump. I'm thinking most people can and will work around that bump. So folding down the seatback, despite the gap it does create, still does increase cargo capacity significantly. But besides those two issues I thought the review indepth and fair.