I see that many here use the Fuelly App -I downloaded it last night. It is asking me to up-grade to paid version and I don't mind spending $5.yr - BUT - I cannot find any info on the App about exactly what the $5 buys me. Can anyone enlighten me???
I have no idea what the $5 option get, but would say you're fine without it. Didn't even know there was such an option.
Very little. GPS-aware location to fill in fueling location, ability to add a pdf or photo to a record, no ads,etc. Most users run it on the free version. I looked long and hard at their website and on their IOS app, and I'm with you - if they are marketing an upgrade to Pro they are doing a terrible job at it. From their website, it looks like a name change is coming? Gas Cubby is mentioned frequently. Hard to say, their whole site is a mess.