I've been living with a very annoying rattle that comes to life on all but the smoothest roads. My 05-BC has less than 2K miles. It's somewhere inside the main speaker right above the screen. Pressure on the dash abates it and wedging a dime under the front of the speaker stops it. That will hold it until its approaching oil change. Has anyone else had this specific rattle and, if so, what stopped it permanently? Thanks, Patrick
I had a very annoying rattle, it actually sounded like metal banging on metal and was on the pasenger side. I found it was the shelf in the upper glove box that had not been replaced correctly. When I put it back correctly the rattle disappeared. Strange that a plastic shelf would sound metalic.
There's a post toward the bottom of this thread describing that very thing. http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=11367&hl= I also found that putting a thin strip of foam tape along the front edge where the top and bottom glove boxes close shuts those rattles up as well.
A rattling center speaker is a common problem. I just told the dealer on a regularly scheduled visit and they fixed it.
I have a rattle in my driver's side seat belt where it hits the side pillar. I'll have it fixed when I take it in for my first servicing.
I have a rattle on the dash near the little window on the driver's side of the car. I've had it since I got the car in August. If you apply pressure it stops rattling.
wish my was as easy as this. My problem is a creak coming from the rear.. possibly driver's side. I've got a feeling the old hatch needs some oiling.
My thanks to Bill Mercahnt for solving this one. This rattle predated my increasing air pressure in the tires, but it aggravated the noise a bit. Great question. Patrick
Wow, that was weird. Since I have a rattle coming from the dash in my Prius, I decided I wanted to save this thread. So I selected it all, pasted it into Word and mailed it to myself. Interesting result. The information is all there, and the format isn't bad at all. Could be better though... Is there a emailing option for PriusChat that will mail the actual current thread? All I could find was an option to mail a link to a thread. If the thread disappears for some reason, the link becomes useless (of course). Thanks. -Roger