Just wanted to tell whoever may be interested. I just found 3 Ford ranger EV trucks for auction. Go to www.govdeals.com Look under Trucks light duty. These trucks DO NOT run now. But all parts are there, including charging station. I know nothing about these trucks. Just thought I'd put it out there.
How is it possible to beat up a truck so badly in less than 12K miles? Love to buy just don't know enough to tell if it is a good deal or not. How about darelldd your an EV guy know anything about these trucks??? Wildkow
Eeek! Unless you are just itching for a project to keep you from being bored or rich for the next couple of years... stay away! When driven daily, these trucks do a reasonable job of continuing to fuction (for Fords!). When allowed to sit, you're in trouble. The easiest part to replace is the battery pack (reconditioned for $5-$6k). The harder part is all the unique little pumps and such that sieze up when they aren't used. There are plenty of running Ranger EVs on Ebay right now - many NiMH with good range.
Thanks I'm thinking about doing my own conversion of a small pickup. I thought maybe the Ranger EV would cut down on a lot of the work, doesn't sound like it though. Wouldn't be used a lot cause we just bought a 06 Prius and Highlander but something to haul stuff with and tinker on would be kuhl. Wildkow p.s. Would love to own a RAV4 EV.