OK here we go and I won't have to wade through all those other posts! Does anyone know if this project has actually acomplished anything? I have some new equipment (Q6600 CPU and a ATI Sapphire Radeon HD 2900 Pro) on order and as soon as it gets here I will start "Folding@Home" but just curious if this is actually doing anything useful or is it like looking for "Little Green Men" a useless endeavor IMHO cause everyone already knows they're out there. Also I guess there is a folding program that can run on the Video Card but I don't know if it will run on the one I'm getting, any thoughts?
Yes it has produced results . . . http://folding.stanford.edu/English/Papers . . . but if you can tell me exactly what those results mean, then we both will be in the know.
<I'm going to draft a write-up about folding at home and try to keep it up to date - will have a draft here by Wednesday, December 12. In the meantime, the main 'Folding at Home' page at Stanford university is http://folding.stanford.edu/English/Download, where you can dowload the 'client' programs to perform 'protein folding' on your computer (operating systems supported include Windows, Mac, and Linux, plus additional processing power through certain ATI video cards) or on a PS3 (Sony Playstation 3). There is additional information, including a lot of 'how to' FAQs, on Wikipedia: http://fahwiki.net/index.php/Main_Page, and there is a support community forum with lots of help available at http://foldingforum.org/ Folding at Home is a distributed-computing project out of Stanford University, working on the basic science of how proteins fold and mis-fold, in support of medical research diseases such as Alzheimer's and Mad Cow Disease. It's easy to start 'folding' at home, and you can gain 'points' for yourself and for a team, if you choose to join one - I urge you to join the PriusChat team, team # 52533>
In addition to the link that Patrick gave you to the published papers from the Folding project, you might also want to look at this link to a series of 'talklets' about the project: http://fah-web.stanford.edu/talklets/index.html As to your anticipated ATI 2900 - here's the current information from Wikipedia about the Graphics option for Folding at home: http://fahwiki.net/index.php/GPU_FAQ#Links and you might want to browse the folding community forum sections about the GPU (grapical process unit) clients: http://foldingforum.org/ You might want to join that forum, as well, and post questions regarding your new computer and the options available to you for different folding clients.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b396...97ac525897969f945297aa929a5faae79e93999c519fa Hmmmmmm, How to prevent improper Folding? My girlfriend and I once went on a date with a chaperonin she was quite good at preventing us from Folding incorrectly! I wonder if there is a relation? Onager
So, the chaperonin was hot, and your girlfriend wouldn't allow you and the chaperonin to improperly fold? I once dated an identical twin. The mother wouldn't let us go out on our first date unless the sister came along as a chaperon. Gee, thanks for doubling the pleasure mom!!!!!