Somehow, the black plastic casing for the fog lights on my 2007 Touring got knocked out. I will probably have to replace the entire piece that runs across the bottom front of the car, although the fog lights themselves were not damaged and still operate properly. Can I purchase this piece and put it in myself or am I condemned to go back to my (expensive) dealer? All thoughts are welcome! Thanks, Frank
Hi Frank, I assume that you are referring to the louvered black grille that fills the long slot where the foglamps are located. This actually comprises three pieces. Referring to the repair manual, it seems like it would be possible to replace the three pieces yourself. The center piece probably is installed first. If you purchase the three pieces and then find that you cannot install them, there should be no problem asking a body shop for assistance.
Thanks Patrick - yes there are three pieces and the only one that was neither damaged nor lost is the piece housing the front passenger side fog light. I still have the center piece but it is broken in three places. The driver side fog light casing is gone. Do you have any idea where I can purchase these pieces?
Hi Frank, Well, your local Toyota dealer is always a convenient place (although possibly pricey). If you want to save money via Internet order, try this place: DiscountToyotaParts Why did these parts get damaged or disappear? Did the left front of the car hit a curb while parking?
Patrick, We don't really know how it happened. My wife says she ran over something last week but I couldn't tell from a visual inspection that anything was awry. However, I looked at the sides of the car rather than the front. A couple of days later she noticed that the grille was pushed in and damaged but didn't know whether it was from the first incident or whether someone backed into her when she was parked somewhere. Thanks much for the link - I'll check it out. Frank