The weather has become very wet here in the nw. And the headlight assembly has developed a little foging. Is this normal or should I call the dealer? ajl
I don't think it's normal and I am sure that the monsoons we have in the tropical summer rainy season would have created the problem if it was. The worse thing that might happen is that the dealer tells you it is normal if they have had some experience with it. The best thing is that they fix it.
I think you should let the dealer take care of this, if under warranty. Doesn't sound normal to me especially if the condensation is enough to diminish the effectiveness of the headlight. If the moisture is coming into the exterior lamp cover only, it may just be a case of tightening down the screws. If the moisture is inside the actual light assembly, then I would think you risk loss of lighting effectiveness or even shorting out. Happy Motoring, Tom
I agree with Twittel and Joe, I would take it in. If it continues it will probably get worse and could cause diminished light output or other problems. If the dealer tries to tell you it's "normal" have them take you out to their lot and show it to you on other cars.