I remember a post a while back giving instructions on how one could program their own FOB. We own two Prius's and would like to attempt to program them both to work off the same FOB. I was able to do this with my old Sienna's alarm and don't see why it should not work with a FOB. Can anyone lead me to the FOB programming instructions?
Since the only want to program a new key is with an existing key, it might be a problem. If you lose all your keys, they replace your ECU and give you keys associated with it (at BIG BIG cost to you - I think $1,000) This would lead me to believe only way your idea might be possible is replacing ECUs in one or both cars. Even then, there's nothing saying it would be possible to have them keyed the same. They certainly went out of their way to make the system secure! Even the dealer can't steal it!
Yes I posted something a long time ago. Try doing a search, you may find it. Lots of door opening and closing and button pressing if I remember correct. Danman may have a copy as well. I have lost my original document so I cant recreate it.
I don't think there is a comprehensive dance to add a fob to a THSII, you need the THHT. There is one for the classic though. As for needing a master, any fob already registered with the vehicle can be used as the "master" to initiate new fob registration.
DAN, I've read (possibly even one of your posts?) the THHT runs $3K-$6K. answering off line (or on & off) will make your response easier for me to find. thx 1) What do you know about the cost. 2) Where to go to buy one. 3) Presuming the $3K spread is new vs used?
I recently reintroduced a fob back to my car. I searched YouTube for the instructions. It went similar to this . . . Sit in car with door closed. Insert and remove a working fob 4 times and on the 5th insert, leave the fob in the slot. Open and close the driver's door 6 times. Take the fob out of the slot and the alarm light on the dash stays on. Put in the other fob you want the car to recognise. For for about a minute. When the alarm light on the dash remains off then the car's accepted and learned to use the fob in the slot. What I want to know is if the alarm is also told about the introduced fob.