I was searching for something and came across these, for the GREEN dog owner who doesn't want to send plastic bags to the land fill. Buy Our Poop Bags to Save the Planet They offer a sample of 2 bags for $1.99 shipping and handling. Just wanted to pass this info along!
How can you think of depriving some far off future archologists of digging through the decay of our civilisation, and then trying to make sense of why we built mountains of dog poo wrapped in plastic bags?
When you're 6'-5" with big hands, and your lanky lab is over 100lbs: . . . there are other factors. Would it be wise to try & flush a huge mountain that this puppy makes? . . . then there's the issue of trying to get your hands around that steamy fresh mountain (yuk). gotta have HUGE poop bags. So if your dog is more like a horse, then this is the ticket: Only a one year degrade time ... which aint up there with flushable ... but still a nice trade off when factoring in the tie handles and HUGE size.
I can certainly appreciate your point, Hill! LOL. My bichons, each one is between 12 and 14 pounds so all 4 together are still a small snack for you doggie! At least you did find something better than straight plastic. Good job!
Aw, shoot. We are getting ready to move to town and i figured that working this out was going to be my way to fame and fortune - not to mention more convenient and consciounable poop scooping. And now somebody beat me to it! Jim