Hi folks, see the first photo. This is in the front driver's side wheel well. I had removed the wheel to inspect suspension elements and noticed fluid above and to the front of the axle, possibly coming out of the metal tank on the left. The car is a 2010 Gen. 3 with 194,000 miles. Additional background: Two weeks ago, I had the brake fluid flushed at an independent mechanic. The mechanic noted that the oil was low and that he added 1.5 liters. This surprised me, because I changed my oil myself 3,000 miles ago and did not notice any shortage of oil. I checked the dipstick today, and there is oil well above the max line (photo 2). I also checked the brake fluid for the first time since having it flushed, and the fluid level appears well above the max line. (photo 3). Appreciate any insights you all may have!
At 194,000 mi I wouldn't think you need to flush your brake fluid but such as life how did the mechanic bleed the system or he didn't he just sucked the stuff out of the reservoir and fill the reservoir up and called it done? There is a procedure that you need a handheld computer and various and sundry devices to bleed the brakes on this model so usually that gets done on a brake fluid change out for the brakes being done?
Get another mechanic; the guy’s a menace. The 2 marks on the dipstick represent 1.5 liters: looks like it was at max line, before he started dumping in an extra 1.5 liters. ditto for the brake fluid.
Would overfilled brake fluid and/or oil explain the apparent leak in this location? Do I need to drain either?
Your "mechanic" probably had the front of the car jacked-up when he checked your oil level. The would account for the overfill. I have no explanation for the brake fluid overfill; but it looks like it's overflowing out of the cap. Brake fluid will eat away at any painted surface, so use a turkey baster to remove the excess and rinse off the surrounding area in case of spillage. I'd also do an early oil change - it doesn't need to be done tomorrow; but that excess oil will probably work it's way into your EGR system or cause leaks and seepage.
Thanks BiomedO1. I’ve gone ahead and drained the oil down to the correct level after everyone here confirmed I wasn’t, like, hallucinating. And I indeed used the turkey baster trick to remove the excess brake fluid. Forgot to mention that I changed the front brake pads after the “mechanic” supposedly flushed the brake fluid. So maybe the thicker pads against the calipers pushed the fluid above the max level? Appreciate everyone’s help here.
LoL, can't blame the mechanic for the brake fluid overfill.... Yes compressing your calipers to get the new pads in will increase your brake fluid level.
Unless you open the bleed valve on the caliper to avoid pushing possibly dirty fluid from the cylinder back up into the master cylinder.
I’ve never done that, just leave it be and push the calipers back. I do replace the brake fluid periodically though.